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People cringing at Harry Styles' response to Jack Whitehall asking if he's taken own sister as a date

People cringing at Harry Styles' response to Jack Whitehall asking if he's taken own sister as a date

Jack Whitehall made the weird quip about Harry Styles and his sister Gemma at the BRIT Awards.

Being a comedian is sometimes just like any other job - in that as long as you get more right than wrong then you won't get fired.

But the difference is that as a stand-up, if you make a joke that isn't funny on national TV, then you're not going to hear the end of it.

This comes after cringy footage of Harry Styles' response to Jack Whitehall asking if he'd brought his own sister as a date, which has resurfaced online.

Whitehall was picked to host the BRITs back in 2020, where he made a weird quip about the One Direction singer and his sister Gemma.

The British comedian went out into the audience and seated himself next to the pop star - and it was all mayhem after that.

After a bit of banter with Lizzo, who was sat right behind them, Whitehall turned to the two women seated next to Styles and asked: "I don't want to pry, have you brought someone here with you tonight?

"Is one of these ladies your date?"

Styles pointed to the brunette to his right and said with a straight face: "That's my sister."

An embarrassed Whitehall quickly replied: "Sister? Oh God, sorry!"

The British comedian went out into the audience and seated himself next to the pop star - and it was all mayhem after that.
YouTube / BRITs

As Styles' sister took a swig of champagne, Whitehall carried on with his patter, in turn making things even more awkward.

Worried that his apologies came across as an insult to Gemma, he said: "No, no - that's great! Keep it in the family... Not keep it in the family, I meant... It's nice to bring your family. I brought my mum! I brought my mum with me!"

As Gemma - a writer, who also happens to have 10.4 million followers on Instagram - turned away, rolling her eyes, her brother leant into the microphone and calmly asked Whitehall: "How is Hilary?"

As Whitehall explained his mum Hilary was 'over there, probably throwing herself at Rod Stewart,' Styles leapt up to wave in her direction.

And people were left feeling a bit 'awkward' by the exchange.

Commenting on the clip, one person said: "This was one big awkward moment."

"Everyone looked pretty uncomfortable." another added, while a third said: "He must have been so embarrassed."

While someone else thought: "Jack already knew Gemma. He was just joking around."

Earlier in their chat, Whitehall took a moment to reflect on how well Styles had done since his early days in The X-Factor, which he joked was 'like three Simon Cowell faces ago'.

He said: "Back then I think if you told people that you were going to be writing these critically-acclaimed albums, some people might be surprised.

"How cool is it that your solo stuff is being taken so seriously?"

After a pregnant pause, Styles replied: "Did you not take me seriously, Jack?"

To which Whitehall replied: "No, I've always taken you seriously! Up All Night, that is my Sergeant Pepper, my friend. I've always respected you - as a solo artist and in One Direction!"

Featured Image Credit: YouTube / BRITs

Topics: Harry Styles, Jack Whitehall, Brit Awards

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