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Chris Hemsworth has got fans' eyes fixed on their screens after sharing a workout video to his Instagram - and they're not just looking at his muscles.

The Aussie actor is known for his impressive physique - after all, he is a Marvel superhero.

But followers still got more than they bargained for when Chris shared his latest workout video with them.

Chris Hemsworth has fans talking with his latest workout video.

The 20-second video, which saw Hemsworth doing push-ups and squats on his Bosu ball, as well as pull-ups, alternative jackknife crunches, and boxing drills, was an example of a great fitness session.

"Good little session. Finishing it strong with some core," he captioned the video.

But fans were a little bit too distracted by... well... how do I put this... his bulge.

For the most part it wasn't too obvious, but when it came to the Thor actor's last exercise, fans just couldn't look away.

"Thank you both for the performance," commented one awe-struck fan.

"So they let you keep the hammer?" joked a second.

A third cracked: "The last exercise, wasn't it supposed to be one leg at a time?"

And a fourth added: "That um… um last exercise... respectfully DAYUM."

People were a little bit distracted watching Chris's video.

And let's just say Instagram's new feature that allows users to leave GIFs in the comments is being put to use, too.

Chris was also cheered on by his health and fitness company Centr, who left a much more civil message in the comments.

"Our fearless founder leading by example," they wrote.

Centr, according to its website, provides users with personalised tools and workouts so you can train like Chris.

"What started as Chris Hemsworth’s personal wellness journey has evolved to inspire millions to unlock total well-being,” they say in their mission statement.

"Always deeply passionate about health, it wasn’t until he needed to train like a superhero that Chris connected with world-class wellness experts to achieve his goals."

But it isn't just exercise that helped Chris get that Thor physique. Food has been a key part of the actor's training journey.

Chris's final exercise took fans by surprise.

Just last month we reported that, while bulking up, Chris is consuming 4,500 calories per day, according to his chef Dan Churchill.

Those 4,500 calories are broken down into 10 meals per day, and the more I think about it, it's a wonder that Chris has time to do anything besides eat and train all day.

As well as helping out Chris with his superhero diet, Churchill creates recipes for Centr users to help them get the right nutrition to match their training - though the rest of us probably don't need the full 4,500 calories...

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@chrishemsworth

Topics: Celebrity, Chris Hemsworth