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'Harry Potter' Fan Theory Gives 'The Prisoner Of Azkaban' A Dark New Twist

'Harry Potter' Fan Theory Gives 'The Prisoner Of Azkaban' A Dark New Twist


Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

For some reason we're all suckers for fan theories of films. Whenever one gets about on the internet everyone loves to either pick it apart, agree with it or disagree with it, thus making it a good area of discussion.

Harry Potter is arguably the most popular when it comes to theories, along with things like Stranger Things and Game of Thrones.

Now, while you should all know the books are a lot better than the films, you should also know that The Prisoner of Azkaban is probably the best book, but a firm disappointment when translated onto the big screen.

Redditor Starzajo has thrown up his idea that makes a slight difference to the film, but ultimately doesn't really change the outcome. It involves the Dementors and that weird screaming Harry hears right before he passes out.

As we know, the hooded, cloaked, grim reaper wannabes feed off other people's happiness, effectively sucking out the emotion and making everything cold - in other words, miserable bastards.

Harry is affected by them a lot more than others due to the great trauma he's experienced in his life. When the Dementors are present he passes out and is forced to relive his worst memory - his mother, Lily, screaming his name just before her death.

However, Starzajo believes the memory may not be Harry's but actually Voldermort's.

"Harry was 15 months old when it happened," the Reddit user wrote. "I find it difficult to believe Harry could remember this event, no matter how traumatic.

"However, as Dumbledore says, to speak of minds and souls, regarding Harry, is to speak of the same thing. This is why Voldemort can see into Harry's mind and vice-versa.

"A fragment of Voldemort's soul remains inside Harry. I propose that the memory primarily comes from Voldemort. This was the event where he was ripped from his body and came closest to death, a prime candidate for worst memory.

"The reason Harry blacked out during Dementor attacks is because this act of selfless love by Lily causes Voldemort unendurable pain whenever he experiences it. Like when he tried to possess Harry or touch him via Quirrel.

"Harry blacks out because one part of his soul is in agony while the other is not. The Dementors bring up the memory of this act of love, which Voldemort cannot stand."

So, to summarise, the part of Harry that is being effected by the guards of Azkaban is actually the fragment of Tom Riddle's soul that latched itself onto Harry when he was a baby.

Because the moment Lily screams Harry's name is the last thing Voldermort hears before he is ripped from his body - it's a haunting memory. This, then, is the worst memory any part of Harry can remember, including the piece of Riddle's soul, so the overriding emotion blacks him out.

It's a complicated theory, but also one that could have validity. J.K Rowling often likes to discuss the theories about the HP series, so hopefully she'll shed some light on this.

Featured image credit: Warner Bros.

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