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HBO Has Told Us Who Jon Snow's Daddy Is

HBO Has Told Us Who Jon Snow's Daddy Is

This could make for a fiery finale.

Patrick Hulbert

Patrick Hulbert

Credit: HBO

Spoilers, I suppose.

R + L = J. A week ago I didn't have a fucking clue what that meant cos I live in the real world where we write properly.

Anyway, Jon Snow's mother, as we know from Bran's noseying at the Tower of Joy, is Lyanna Stark, Ned's sister, and it's been widely thought that the father is Rhaegar Targaryan. And, it's true! Daenerys' older brother is Jon Snow's father.

HBO seemed pretty happy to let us know all that, even though Lyanna was all whispery whispery talkie talkie to Ned in episiode 10, The Winds Of Winter, as she lay dying.

This infographic, released by the TV channel, proves Rhaegar is the daddy.

Credit: HBO

Two black lines: one clearly going to Lyanna, one going to Rhaegar.

We could speculate what this means, such as if a dragon breathes on Jon will he go up in smoke or will he get all incesty with Dany, but it's better for us to leave it to the Redditors on that one.

He's still a bastard by the way as Rhaegar was very much married to someone else (Princess Elia Martell). Just saying.

Words Patrick Hulbert

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