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British actor who's appeared in 18 sex scenes has one reason why he refuses to do any more

British actor who's appeared in 18 sex scenes has one reason why he refuses to do any more

"I've had my willy out too many times"

A British actor has revealed why he refuses to film any more sex scenes, saying he's had his 'willy out too many times.'

Sex scenes are often inevitable in the career of an actor or actress, with a script calling for on-screen nudity or intimate scenes commonplace in TV and film.

However, many actors may prefer not to get naked in front of for a variety of reasons.

For British actor Rafe Spall, the decision to stop acting in sex scenes came after he felt that he had featured in 'too many' across his career.

Speaking to Kathy Burke on her podcast Where There's A Will, There's a Wake the actor - who's best known for his roles in One Day, Hot Fuzz and Sean of the Dead - explained his reasons for no longer wanting to take part in sex scenes.

"People are always very curious about sex scenes, I've actually now said that I don't want to do them anymore," he said. "I've done loads. Too many."

Spall went on to reveal that curiosity has often led people to ask if acting in spicy scenes is 'nice', to which he replied: "They're nice if you like 50 blokes watching you pretend to have sex. If that's your thing!

Rafe Spall in Wide Sargasso Sea. (BBC)
Rafe Spall in Wide Sargasso Sea. (BBC)

"And also, I've had my willy out too many times."

The actor previously revealed that he has performed in a grand total of 18 sex scenes across his career in films such as The Chatterley Affair, Wide Sargasso Sea and Frankie Howerd: Rather You Than Me.

"I couldn’t sleep one night and I counted my sex scenes. I have done about 18 at last count. I have had my willy out a lot," he revealed in an interview with Jay Rayner on his podcast Out to Lunch.

"Too much. I’ve stopped. I’ve stopped. I’m not doing it any more. I’ve got kids in the playground going - they are the age when kids talk to them about it."

Actor Rafe Spall has performed in 18 sex scenes over his career. (Dave Benett/Getty Images)
Actor Rafe Spall has performed in 18 sex scenes over his career. (Dave Benett/Getty Images)

Spall isn't the first actor to request no nudity in his roles, with You and Gossip Girl star Penn Badgley previously revealing that he had asked for 'no more intimacy scenes' out of respect for his marriage.

"I asked Sera Gamble, the creator, 'Can I just do no more intimacy scenes?'" he recalled on his podcast Podcrushed.

"Fidelity in every relationship, including my marriage, is important to me. It's got to the point where I don't want to do that."

Featured Image Credit: BBC

Topics: Celebrity, Film