Superbad star Christopher Mintz-Plasse has reflected on the time he once 'called out' a sports commentator for his 'obnoxious' behaviour during an interview.
The man who is universally known by his character in Superbad has opened up about what it's like being called 'McLovin' on a daily basis.
Without realising it at the time, Mintz-Plasse's character, Fogell, created a cult-classic comedy moment that he 'didn't even think was funny' when he read the script.
After using the most ridiculous fake ID with the name - 'McLovin' - to buy booze, Fogel awkwardly tries to maintain his cool in front of the cashier.
Meanwhile, his two friends Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Michael Cera) are baffled by the situation, which quickly escalates.
Police officer Slater (Bill Hader) and officer Michaels (Seth Rogen) arrive at the scene to arrest him, shortly before they become best friends.
The 2007 movie was Mintz-Plasse's first ever film and has no doubt defined his career.
Speaking at last month's Fan Expo in Chicago, the 35-year-old says he's 'very luck to be in a movie people love'.

But he did reveal the one time he thought it went it a bit too far.
"Listen, there are times, don't get me wrong, where someone screaming McLovin at me is obnoxious," he explained.
"And the most intense times, you know, the weirdest times are in professional settings.
"Cos I get it walking down the street, people be like 'you're McLovin', I'm like 'yeah I was in the movie, my name's Chris'.
"But I did an interview on like ESPN (actually on LeBatardShow) with this guy Dan Le Batard and, I like, well, this is a professional guy, he's got my name on the sheet and he called me 'McLovin' like five times in the interview.
"And I'm like 'dude, my name's like literally right in front of you' and I had to call him out you know.
"So that can get a little obnoxious and on a bad day if someone like grabs me and says it, but overall it's a f**king blessing."
Well, the interview he's speaking about was actually on the American sports commentator's LeBatardShow on YouTube, when Celtics fan Mintz-Plasse joins in on an NBA-related conversation a few months ago.
Towards the end of the interview, the actor joked: "Hey what an honour to hear you say my full name, what a pleasure.
"That's how you get me back on, I'll come back anytime."
He then reiterated that he doesn't mind fans coming up to him and saying it, but finds it off-putting when he gets called McLovin in a 'professional setting'.
The pair had a laugh about it and Le Batard apologised for repeatedly calling him by the name of his Superbad character.