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Call Of Duty: Warzone Players Are Reporting Hearing Strange Howling Sounds

Call Of Duty: Warzone Players Are Reporting Hearing Strange Howling Sounds

Could something be coming?

Tom Wood

Tom Wood

Video gamers playing Call of Duty: Warzone have reported hearing some pretty strange sounds on one of the maps.

Specifically, they're reporting that they've been hearing the sound of howling wolves in parts of the Verdansk map.

Have a listen to this - it's eerie.

Now, if you can hear anything other than the sound of ammunition clanking off the floor, or the screams of dying players on games like these, then you're doing better than most people, but some of the more hardcore gamers have spotted the sounds of wolves in various areas around the map.

People have been remarking upon the wolf howling since mid-March, as it happens, but only now are people starting to wonder what could be going on.

Is it a bizarre Easter egg? Is it a portent of things to come? We'll have to see.

Wolves have been heard near to the prison.

The fact that the reports have been coming in for a while suggests that the noises - which are definitely different to the sound of Riley the dog getting killed off - have been in there since the game launched.

It's unlikely that the wolves would be stuck in there by accident, or without there being a decent reason behind them.

So, where are they?

Well, if the makers of this game - Activision, in case you're wondering - are anything like a lot of online game creators, they could be hinting towards something that is coming later on to the game.

Naturally, there are a good few theories about what this could be.

Let's start at the stranger end. Some folks believe that the distant howling of unseen wolves can mean only one thing - zombies.

Are Zombies coming to Verdansk?

Hmm, are we really about to see hordes of the undead stalking through the Verdansk map?

Another theory is that the wolves actually sound as if they're howling in a concrete box. Which gives rise to the theory that we're going to see some new areas of the map that haven't been there before.



What can we take from this?

Well, the wolves have been heard over at the Dam, Quarry, and Prison areas of the map.

That's pretty near the corners of the map, and - if you've been really paying attention while playing - you might have noticed that there are some areas on the map that are marked [CLASSIFIED].

Is that where the wolves are going to be? Are the wolves just there to signify that something is coming?

We'll have to wait and see...

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: GAMING, Interesting, UK Entertainment, US Entertainment, Weird