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AI has made quite an impression on the internet as of late.

From showing what the 'perfect' man and woman look like to imagining what UK cities will look like in the year 2050 - it's clear we're all very interested in whatever new phenomenon artificial intelligence spits out at us.

And the latest AI adaptation sees a recreation of Harry Potter where everyone is ripped and it’s pretty incredible. Even Hedwig - or Shredwig, should we say - got the buff treatment...

Harry 'Spotter'.
YouTube/Fantasy Images

The AI video offers Potterheads a chance to enter the weird and wonderful wizarding world with some slight tweaks to all their beloved characters.

The clip was uploaded to YouTube by the user Fantasy Images with the description crediting the generated images to Midjourney, voices to ElevenLabs and speech animations to D-ID.

Titled 'Harry Spotter - The boy who lifted', the adaptation begins with a particularly wedge Dumbledore asking: "Harry Spotter, did you skip leg day again?"

'Dumbbelldore' doesn't look out of place holding a protein shake.
YouTube/Fantasy Images

Then, the AI Harry Potter who looks like he's been pumping iron since The Philosopher's Stone back in 2001 aptly responds: "Every day is arm day, sir."

The Hogwarts headmaster continues: "It's your job hurry to make sure I keep drinking this protein shake. Even if you have to force it down my throat."

Ron 'Wheysley'.
YouTube/Fantasy Images

A beefy Potter asks why he can't drink it himself to which Dumbledore explains: "Because I need to bulk, Harry."

Bet that's a sentence you never thought you'd read.

Voldemort, or should I say Swoledemort, even got in on the action, offering a slight remix to one of his most infamous lines: "There is no good and evil. There is only weight and those too weak to lift it."

This one is going to haunt my dreams for sure.
YouTube/Fantasy Images

Even a strapping Sirius Black wasn't exempt from the AI rendering, seen sporting a muscle tank saying: "If you want to know what a man's like, take a look at how much he benches."

Some god-tier wisdom right there.

YouTube/Fantasy Images

The video has since gone viral after clocking up over 4.4 million views on the platform and it's clearly gone down a treat with fans of the franchise, amassing over 150,000 likes.

Thousands have since raced to the comments to share their reactions to the extremely bizarre video.

Malfoy sporting major muscle with a 'Slitheroid' chain.
YouTube/Fantasy Images

One YouTube user revealed: "That image of Hedwig is going to haunt my dreams."

A second penned: "This is... glorious."

"This is perfection, a piece of art. I recognise a fellow perfectionist when I see one," echoed a third.

I'd go for 'jarring' or downright haunting' but each to their own, I guess.

Some were left totally outraged at the absence of one character who already boasts quite the stature without the help of AI.

Finch looks like a WWE hall-of-famer.
YouTube/Fantasy Images

"They included Hedwig and Finch, but NOT HAGRID? Can you imagine? Standing at 8 ft tall. What a beast he’d be," they wrote.

I'm more interested to see a buff McGonagall personally.

Sirius Black showing off some serious gains.
YouTube/Fantasy Images

Others, amazingly, even took some fitness inspo from the clip.

"This has un-ironically made me want to get back into the gym and regain my physique," admitted one viewer.

A second commented: "This is honestly the most inspirational video I have ever seen as a Harry Potter fan."

'Shredwig' has sent me right over the edge.
YouTube/Fantasy Images

A final YouTube user added: "This is a certified MOOD to get into pre-workout."

I guess the only thing left to say is... you're a gym lad, Harry.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Fantasy Images

Topics: TV and Film, Harry Potter, YouTube, Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Viral, Weird