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Psychologist Testifies Amber Heard Does Not Have PTSD And ‘Grossly’ Exaggerated Her Symptoms

Psychologist Testifies Amber Heard Does Not Have PTSD And ‘Grossly’ Exaggerated Her Symptoms

Instead, she diagnosed the Aquaman actress with two serious personality disorders, explaining how they manifested in hostility to Depp.

A forensic psychologist has testified that Amber Heard does not have post-traumatic stress disorder, and instead diagnosed the Aquaman star as suffering from two personality disorders that would explain her hostile actions towards her ex-husband Johnny Depp.

Psychologist Shannon Curry told the court that Heard suffers from borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder, while flatly refuting claims the actress suffered from PTSD.

Curry added that it appeared Heard had grossly exaggerated her PTSD symptoms after evaluating the actress for 12 hours over two days last December.

She also analysed earlier treatment records, recordings, and other documentation her lawyers provided.

Curry told the court that Heard 'did not have PTSD' and appeared to be 'grossly exaggerating' symptoms.

"She initially said, 'Yes, I have 19 of the 20 symptoms.' That's not typical, even of somebody with the most disabling form of PTSD," Curry told the court, according to Insider.

"When we eventually sort of dialled it down, there were three remaining symptoms."

Instead, the psychologist revealed she believes the actress actually suffers from other mental health conditions.

"The results of Ms. Heard's evaluation supported two diagnoses: borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder," Curry said.

According to Curry, borderline personality disorder causes 'instability' in relationships and emotions, with a driving factor being Heard's 'underlying terror of abandonment.'

"When somebody is afraid of being abandoned by their partner or by anybody else in their environment, and they have this disorder, they'll make desperate attempts to prevent that from happening," Curry told the court.

"And those desperate attempts could be physical aggression."

The expert added that borderline personality disorder was 'a predictive factor for women who implement violence against their partner.'

Curry told the court she prepared a 25-page analysis following Heard's testing, and concluded that Heard had 'a very sophisticated way of minimising any personal problems' and externalising blame.

When cross-examined by Heard's legal team, Dr. Curry said she was not board-certified and that she has never testified about violence between partners previously.

She has, however, worked in the field for about 15 years, with about half of her practice focusing on couple's therapy.

Curry's assessment of Heard reflects the testimony of Depp and Heard's marriage counsellor, who said earlier in the trial that Heard was dominating and had poor listening skills, according to People.

The trial is now in its third week, with Amber Heard yet to take the stand.

Featured Image Credit: Law Crime Network/Twitter

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