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Man with '1,000 kids’ issues a message to his ‘children’ after Netflix documentary

Man with '1,000 kids’ issues a message to his ‘children’ after Netflix documentary

Jonathan Jacob Meijer had a message for his donor children

Netflix’s newest hit all centres round one specific man – a man who the documentary accuses of having 1,000 kids.

The Netflix documentary, called The Man With 1000 Kids, focuses on Jonathan Jacob Meijer – a prolific sperm donor.

Speaking exclusively to LADbible, Meijer clarified that he doesn’t believe he has 1000 kids – but in actual fact thinks he has 550.

The show focuses on some of the families he helped provide a child for, many of whom were unaware of the prolific nature of his donating.

Meijer was banned from donating in his home country of the Netherlands after being judged to have deceived donor families. This is a claim he refutes.

In our exclusive interview with Meijer, we asked how he sees his relationships with his donor ‘children’, he said:

“What I found over the years is that, of course, you are connected to them. You get attached to their lives.

Several families came forward in the documentary to speak out against him. (Netflix)
Several families came forward in the documentary to speak out against him. (Netflix)

“The best I can describe this is like an uncle towards a nephew or niece.

“I know I'm not the caretaker, the Father, I'm just the donor. But feeling wise, you can say, like, uncle and I think that they also feel that towards me.”

When we asked if he had a message to his donor ‘children’, he said:

“I want them to know that this is just a moment in time that we're going through now, a sort of emancipation of donors and donor children.

“There are people that you know had bad experience as a donor child because their father was a doctor, or they were from an anonymous donor and they now try to project negativity onto all donors and donor children.

“I want them know that this just a phase, these people will eventually not be in the spotlight anymore, and we can celebrate how it is to be a donor child and to be a donor or an open identity donor that's always there for his children, and that they shouldn't think that this documentary is lasting."

Meijer even went on to direct a message to viewers of the documentary, saying:

“Consider becoming a donor if you have good intentions and if you’re healthy, the demand is big.

“We should focus on making it more positive and more easy for people to become a donor. Then, also, I don’t have this much work!

“If there were more donors then I would be retiring way earlier.”

Meijer has previously claimed he retired from donating in 2019.

Natalie Hill, executive producer of the documentary, has responded to Meijer’s claims, standing by the show. She told the BBC: “I’ve spent the last four years speaking to families who have been impacted by Jonathan’s lies. I’ve personally spoken to 45 or 50 families.

“Fifty families made impact statements to the court about his lies, and pleaded with the judge that he stop. So this continued platform for Jonathan to talk about it being a handful of women is completely untrue.”

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Netflix, TV and Film, TV