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 The ‘10/10’ Netflix movie so unsettling you shouldn’t watch if you have this one phobia

The ‘10/10’ Netflix movie so unsettling you shouldn’t watch if you have this one phobia

The Netflix film has viewers sweating who don't even have this phobia

If you have a phobia, it’s always good to check on a film before blindly going in.

Whether it be arachnophobes and Harry Potter, clown haters and the IT films, or even Spongebob and people with the phobia that makes you afraid of holes – there are certain films that just are better to avoid.

In the case of a film Netflix viewers are saying is a 10/10 though, there is one phobia that if you have – you shouldn’t turn it on.

The film was widely well received. (Lionsgate)
The film was widely well received. (Lionsgate)

The film in question is Fall, with a post in the Netflix Bangers Facebook group going viral.

Fall follows a pair of best friends who decide to climb a 2,000 foot tall abandoned tower, becoming trapped after the ladder broke.

Someone asked for reviews of the 2022 film, with viewers rushing to praise it.

One said: "Great movie," while another added: "It was good with a great twist!"

The film was released to predominantly positive reviews, receiving 79 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, with a sequel being greenlit last year.

Stephen King, the master of modern horror, has even weighed in, saying: “Tight, terrific, and very, very scary. Reminded me a bit of Duel. Wish I’d written it.”

Despite this though, there has been one common comment for anyone looking to watch the movie.

Stephen King himself went on to reply to his initial review of the film to say: “Hint, if you suffer from Acrophobia, DON’T WATCH."

Acrophobia covers those with an extreme fear of heights – to the point of being called ‘irrational’ in some definitions.

As someone who suffers from this, the premise alone of this film is enough to make my palms sweat.

In a subreddit on r/Horror discussing films people wouldn’t watch due to one specific phobia, one of the most common answers was Fall.

Try watching this film and not clenching every muscle in your body. (Lionsgate)
Try watching this film and not clenching every muscle in your body. (Lionsgate)

One comment read: “I don't consider myself to have a massive fear of heights but Fall was so effective in making you feel queasy and anxious.”

Another commenter replied to this saying: “I don't have any fear of heights, but Fall made my palms sweat for the entire runtime.”

If you’re thinking this is something Netflix is unaware of though, you’d be wrong.

When the film was added to the platform last year, they posted frames from the film saying: “Almost every single shot from Fall – a film about two women who get stranded after climbing to the top of a 2000ft radio tower – will make you feel a bit wobbly.”

Netflix was aware Fall would make people's palms sweat (X)
Netflix was aware Fall would make people's palms sweat (X)

They aren’t wrong, writing this article alone has been enough for me to go need a lie down in a very low place.

If you’re afraid of heights, beware Fall – it may be a great watch, but don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Film, Netflix, TV and Film