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An insanely hard 1 percent question sees all nine 1% Club finalists get it wrong.

The hopeful contestants took to the podium to try their luck at the quiz, which sees 100 contestants put their common sense, logic and intelligence to the test.

However, every single one of them was thwarted at the extremely perplexing question.

All nine finalists couldn't work out the 1 percent answer.
Channel 7

On the Aussie game show, any contestant who correctly answers a question that just 1 percent of the nation got right can win a share of up to A$100,000 cash.

But, unluckily for this bunch - that prize money was not theirs to claim, considering they all failed to answer the question correctly.

The 1% Club host, Jim Jefferies, asked the contestants the highly-anticipated 1 percent question: "What number comes next in this sequence? You have 30 seconds to answer your time starts now."

Flashed up on screen was a pyramid of numbers reading out from top to bottom: "1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1."

I'm already baffled just reading that let alone trying to make sense of the cryptic sequence.

Jeffries alerted the quizzers at the '15 second' as well as the '5 second' mark before the timer eventually ran out.

The contestants hadn't a clue how to answer the number sequence question.
Channel 7

Just looking at the contestants' faces shows you just how puzzled they were by the insanely tricky question.

Once the clock ran out, Jeffries then revealed the answer: "13112221."

He continued: "For everyone playing at home let's have a look at the explanation.

"Count aloud what you see -so one one, then two ones, then one two and one one and so on."

The host concluded: "The answer is one three, one one, two twos and two ones."

That's too many numbers for my head to comprehend to be totally frank.

Upon realising no one got it right, Jeffries said: "Ah man, that sucks."

The confusing question has sent the internet into a storm.
Channel 7

The episode has since made its rounds on social media with one TikTok user posting: "Unless you've seen a puzzle like this before, I'd be amazed if someone got it within that amount of time."

A second echoed: "Hard to get in 30 seconds if you've never seen it before. But I'm guessing that's the whole point!!"

Well, they don't call it the 1% Club for no reason.

"The explanation didn't help," admitted one baffled viewer.

While a fourth said: "I got it, but had to pause it. took about 45 seconds. Difficult one."

"I've had it paused for 3 days and still don't get it," wrote a final TikTok user.

We feel your pain.

Featured Image Credit: Channel 7

Topics: Australia, Money, TV and Film, The 1% Club