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Ricky Gervais Has Completed First Draft Of After Life Season Three, Episode One

Ricky Gervais Has Completed First Draft Of After Life Season Three, Episode One

He's posted a snap of the script on Twitter

Claire Reid

Claire Reid

Ricky Gervais has shared a photo of a completed draft of the first episode of season three of his hit Netflix series After Life.

Posting the photo, he wrote: "Cheers" before explaining to one follower that although he's only completed a draft of the first episode so far, the rest are 'getting there'. Exciting stuff.

As you can imagine given the popularity of the previous two seasons, fans were pretty bloody chuffed to find out the new episodes are on their way.

One person replied: "Bring it on man, bring it on! Brilliant stuff the first two seasons! A decent human being doing great television!"

Another wrote: "I'm sure you've heard this from so many people that it can get old, but this show has helped me deal with loss in a way that no amount of therapy could have ever relieved. I don't watch this one with the boys at the fire station, but it's great to let the tears flow."

While a third gushed: "The world is in a pandemic.... the Villa might well get relegated ... you cannot go for a pint without giving them your life story ... but knowing that Gervais magic and that gorgeous dog is coming back makes the world all a bit OK again."

Gervais has previously said the third season is likely to be the last. He told The Sun: "I've already made my mind up - there just won't be a fourth.


"You never say never but you put those things out there to make you remember because it's tempting, it's very tempting."

While it seems as though he might be willing to call it a day after this upcoming season, he previously admitted to LADbible that he's been slightly overwhelmed by the public's response to the show.

He said: "I've never had a reaction like this, so there is that [sense of] 'Oh, I could only ruin it', you know what I mean? So you've got to try and make it better.

"Which is good, it's a good state of mind to be in, it's a good pressure. I've got to make this better than before - that's a lovely pressure to have as a writer.

"That's not a reason not to do a second series because the first one went down so well... Most people want it the other way - they want too many series because they think it's their favourite show."

Featured Image Credit: Twitter