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This Is The Best Time Of Day To Have A Poo

This Is The Best Time Of Day To Have A Poo

Who knew?

George Pavlou

George Pavlou

When I lived with my parents and I had a steady diet, you could set your watch to my shits. Breakfast was cereal, lunch was a sandwich and dinner would be a mix of carbs, protein and fibre. My mum was a very sensible lady, like that.

Since I moved out from home and started fending for myself, my diet has gone to shit.

As has my poo schedule. Late night takeaways will do that to you.

However, the one thing that has remained is my morning poo. Anyone who has one of these every day will tell you, a good one can really set you up for a great day.

Which is why I was pleased to hear that Dr Kenneth Koch has studied what time is best to teach your toilet a lesson and it is in fact, first thing in the morning.

He revealed to Women's Health that a morning poo is best because your small intestine and colon process all the food you ate during the day, as you sleep. Eight hours of blissful shut-eye later, you're ready to release the chocolate hostages.

Credit: Robyn Lee via Flickr

Dr Koch also went on to explain that it's not so much the exact time you honk out a dirt snake that's important, but that the snake has a routine.

Our bowels like routine, so pooing at the same time every day is important to keep them happy.

Apparently if you don't keep to your poop routine, you're more likely to be surprised by escaping gorilla fingers at impractical times and you'll feel more gassy and bloated.

Get used to shitting in the morning, lads, it's good for you.

Ways of saying poo by George Pavlou

Featured image credit: Lindsey Turner via Flickr

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