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Firemen Rescue Police After They Get Stuck In Lift

Firemen Rescue Police After They Get Stuck In Lift

Not all heroes wear capes.

Liam Bond

Liam Bond

It's not very often that it's police calling for help, but that's what happened when these officers got trapped in a lift.

A group of officers from the Kansas City Police Department's tactical team must have had one-too-many doughnuts because they exceeded an elevator's weight limit, leaving them trapped inside.


The officers called for some help, in the form of their friends at the local fire station.

A police representative described their relationship as, "siblings who bicker and make fun of each other but will always have each other's backs."

"Public safety is a true brotherhood in our city," the rep told Mashable. "But we'll make jokes about each other any chance we get."

The officers probably won't live this down for a while.

Words by Liam Bond

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Topics: Police