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Guy Texts Wrong Number About His Penis Size And It Goes As Well As You'd Expect

Guy Texts Wrong Number About His Penis Size And It Goes As Well As You'd Expect


Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

If you've ever text the wrong number by accident, you'll know how awkward it is. Luckily, sometimes the wrong number is so wrong that it doesn't belong to anyone. Sometimes, they never reply. However occasionally someone does.

It often leads to hilarity if you manage to score someone who's actually, well, funny. 'Wrong number, mate' is a wasted opportunity.

If you're not using every wrong number text as an opportunity to royally take the piss out of someone, then why do you even have a phone? Pass it onto someone else and spend the rest of your life communicating through smoke signals.

This guy has got the right idea. Although, I kind of wish he'd carried on for a lot longer. 'Longer' being something both of these guys could do with.

He gets a random text from some guy called 'Michael'.

He thinks he's got the number for 'Crystal' from their mutual friend 'Lauren'. He then pleads with 'Crystal' to stop telling everyone how tiny he is. Ouch.

As you can see, he pleads with her to stop 'telling everyone he has a baby cock'. Yeah, I imagine that would be pretty dreadful.

OP replies by saying that 'some babies have very big cocks. Baby elephants, for example'. He's not wrong. I've never seen one but I assume it's more than two inches erect.

Eventually, the OP lets Michael know that he's just a random and wishes him luck with his 'baby dick'.

Is this a fake text? Maybe. Was it just someone fucking around with a random number? Once again, a strong possibility. Did it make us laugh? You can bet your left arse cheek it did.

If you're concerned about your penis size, stop stressing. Someone once told me: "It's not the size of the nail, it's the hammer that knocks it home'." So don't worry, LADs. Get your technique down and you'll be sound. Or maybe read this article. It might help.

On the subject of wrong numbers, do you remember the guy who kept getting texts intended for a girl called Brandy? She clearly loved giving out the same fake number every time, and some poor random bloke kept receiving messages from her conquests.

Let's take a look...

Number 1:

Number 2:

Number 3:

Number 4:

Number 5:

Credit: Imgur

Brilliant use of time, in my opinion.

Featured Image Credit: Legendary Pictures