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The 'Frosties Kid' Didn't Stick Pencils Up His Nose And Is Alive And Well

The 'Frosties Kid' Didn't Stick Pencils Up His Nose And Is Alive And Well

Pictures to prove it.

Josh Teal

Josh Teal

A little bit of research shows that the majority of people in the UK were not quite as besotted with the 'Frosties Kid' back in 2006 as I was.

To this day, I think the advert, and of course the song, in all it's ridiculous glory, was sick.

I mean, who had reason to be mopey in 2006? It was a pre-recession paradise where Alex Turner still wore Lacoste, England was expected to reach at least the quarter-finals of the World Cup (which they did) and a man with tourettes won Big Brother.

Nevertheless, people hated the Frosties Kid's enthusiasm for life, song, dance and, of course, breakfast. And from this hatred stemmed rumours of death.

Everyone in high school around that time must have heard at least one story about the tragic self-inflicted fate of the Frosties Kid. Arguably the most famous was the urban legend that he stuck two pencils up his nose and slammed his head down on a desk because the fury unleashed on him after the release of the ad was apparently too much to cope with.

The other contenders were all to do with him topping himself in one form or another.

But what actually happened to him? Well, here's some news for all you advert jingle dissenters, I can confirm he is alive and well.

Sven Ruygrok is now in his mid 20s and living in Cape Town where's he's trying to make tracks in the world of acting.

Sven was just 15 when he filmed the advert. When The Sun tried to source him a few years ago they had to leave out his surname, such was the extent of the death threats he received.

He was reported to have said: "Can't these fools distinguish between me and a character in an ad?" which makes me laugh. Who talks like that besides Shakespeare characters?

Anyway, here's Sven, alive and well:

Words by Josh Teal

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