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Fussy eater pays hundreds of pounds for extra suitcases filled with proper British food

Fussy eater pays hundreds of pounds for extra suitcases filled with proper British food

John Phillips even packed a George Foreman grill in his suitcase

A seriously fussy bloke who doesn't mess around when it comes to his scran will not entertain anything unless it's proper British grub.

When John Phillips goes on holiday, he forks out an extra £300 to have his suitcase stuffed with classic household snacks, despite putting down a whopping £1,400 for an all-inclusive.

His missus Rebecca Phillips knows from experience that her hubby once insisted on eating nothing but chips during their trip abroad three years ago.

So. that's why the mum-of-one preps in advance, and packs John all the British essentials; Pot Noodles, crisps, porridge, sweets, chocolate bars, bacon and sausages - when going on holiday.

They even pack a cheeky George Foreman grill in their check-in luggage for good measure.

Last year, they bought a mega 21 Pot Noodles, 86 bags of crisps, two packets of bacon, a pack of 30 sausages, cans of tuna, a block of cheese and brown sauce with them to Egypt.

However, the 29-year-old says the extra luggage 'doesn't annoy her'.

An orange club on holiday sounds great to be fair. (Kennedy News and Media)
An orange club on holiday sounds great to be fair. (Kennedy News and Media)

Rebecca, from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, said: "I go on holiday and I eat anything but he just won't. He's always been that way.

"When we first met and we first started going away, he would just eat chips. Then we started taking stuff on holiday with us and it just accumulated.

"He loves food but because he's fussy, he doesn't eat it and I don't like going away with somebody who can't enjoy the food like I do.

"So we started bringing just Pot Noodles at first then it just became sweets, chocolate bars, breakfast bars, and 86 packets of crisps for two weeks.

His wife doesn't mind it at all. (Kennedy News and Media)
His wife doesn't mind it at all. (Kennedy News and Media)

"Then we started bringing meat with us. We put ice packs in food containers and put the meat in.

"We didn't know if it would work but it did. When we got the food out after the flight, it was still really cold."

Lorry driver John explained: "I like my home comforts when I go abroad. So instead of searching for decent food, I'll just take my own food with me.

"I've always been a fussy eater, I don't eat much veg at all. I like good old-fashioned English food, chips, sausage, and gravy - that sort of stuff.

The bacon on holiday isn't great anyway. (Kennedy News and Media)
The bacon on holiday isn't great anyway. (Kennedy News and Media)

"A full suitcase will normally last us but we can run out a day or two before. It's an expenditure but you normally spend money on your weekly shop anyway when you're back in England.

"I'm only interested in the free beer at the all-inclusive, the food doesn't really matter to me.

Why go on holiday and worry about the food when I can take it with me?"

Fair play, mate, you do you.

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Holiday, Travel, Food And Drink