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Woman Chases Dog Napper For Half An Hour In Bare Feet

Woman Chases Dog Napper For Half An Hour In Bare Feet

She got the dog back, don't worry.

Claire Reid

Claire Reid

I feel like we throw the word 'hero' around too much these days, but there really is no other way to describe Alyssa Sanderford, because she ran, barefoot, for 35 minutes to rescue a stranger's stolen dog. What have you done today to make you feel proud?

The story starts when Alyssa's friend shared a post on Facebook about a missing dog called Wiley. The chocolate Labrador cross Chesapeake was stolen from outside a Trader Joe's in Texas where he had been tied up by his owners.

The next morning Alyssa was out driving when she spotted a dog, with the same orange collar as the dog she'd seen in the photos.

Credit: Facebook/Alyssa Sanderford

Obviously, Alyssa is some sort of dog facial-recognition expert, because as soon as she laid eyes on him, she knew it was the very same pooch she'd seen on Facebook a few hours earlier.

Approaching the guy who had the dog, Alyssa, who is brave AF, said: "That dog's stolen. You need to give it back," reported the Dallas Observer.

The dog-napper acted dumb and said he didn't know what she was talking about but that didn't wash with our girl Alyssa. She calmly told him that he had taken the dog and tried to make a grab for the lead.

The wannabe male Cruella de Vil snatched the lead back and ran off, with Wiley. Now, at this point, I've got to say, I would be thinking 'fuck this', getting back in my car and carrying on with my life, but Alyssa is a good person (unlike me) so she kicked off her flip flops and chased him, for over half an hour.

Along the way she managed to get other good Samaritans to help her, including one who carried on the chase in his car. Eventually, after being pursued by the three of them, the thief gave up and Wiley was given back to his grateful owners. How nice is that?

Featured image credit: Facebook/Alyssa Sanderford

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