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The Change in Your Pocket Could Be Worth A Small Fortune

The Change in Your Pocket Could Be Worth A Small Fortune

Do you have these coins in your wallet?

George Pavlou

George Pavlou

Featured image credit: The Royal Mint

Have you ever delved into your pocket knowing you've only got small change in there but secretly hoped you're going to magically pull out a fiver?

I have. I do it pretty much every day after the first weekend since pay day. It never happens.

However, the scraps of food I buy with those 10, 20 and 50 pence coins could actually be worth a hell of a lot more than I think. I just need to take the time to actually check.

The Royal Mint has declared one type of 50p as the rarest in circulation in the UK at the moment and could fetch up to £50 from a collector. That's right, your 50p could be worth £50.

The special coin features Kew Gardens and only 210,000 of them were ever manufactured to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Royal Botanical Gardens back in 2011.

It is thought one in 300 people have the Kew Gardens 50p so get checking your pockets. You could be in for a pre-pay day boost to the coffers if you're lucky.

Credit: PA

But don't be too downhearted if you don't have the Kew Gardens coin because there are others you can cash in on like the dateless 20p piece (pictured above) which can sell for up to £100.

There are also the London Olympic 50p coins that sell for around £3 or £4 each. That is unless you have the design showing water passing over a swimmer's face. That could fetch up to £3000 if you're that lucky.

Credit: The Royal Mint

If you have a 1983 'New Pence' 2p coin (pictured above), you could get around £650 while the Guy Fawkes £2 coin could be worth up to £16.

Fancy turning small amounts of money into more money? Don't trust Harry Kane to bag a hattrick at the weekend to make your acca a winner. Just check your coins and you might get lucky.

Words by George Pavlou

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