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Classic Albums Are Being Turned Into Old Book Covers For World Book Day

Classic Albums Are Being Turned Into Old Book Covers For World Book Day

They look so cool.

Liam Bond

Liam Bond

The creative people of Twitter took a break from making dank memes to turn some classic albums into books.

Why? Because it's World Book Day of course! If you're not already celebrating, then you need to grab the nearest copy of Brideshead Revisited and start raging.

The trend was started by Manchester band The Charlatans when their frontman, Tim Burgess, shared some book sleeves paying tribute to their first 12 albums.

Speaking to TheLADbible, Tim Burgess said:

"I've always loved design, layouts and fonts - from record covers to signs and everyday information."

The impressive book covers were made with the help of designer Nick Fraser. When the hashtag went viral, Nick drafted in his friends Marcus Hislop and Ian Read to come up with even more.

"I've got loads of books at home and I've always loved cover design, from Penguin Classics to Haynes manuals.

"We've worked on album sleeves before and my head kind of kept getting them confused, so I went through the titles of our albums and we imagined what they'd look like as a book.

"Everyone loved the covers and we thought we'd make a print of them for World Book Day," Nick told us.

Nick and Marcus even sent a couple of albums over to TheLADbible and they're seriously impressive.


Once BBC Radio 6 Music got involved, the hashtag went viral. Before long, some of music's finest albums had been redesigned as battered old books you're likely to find for 50p in a charity shop.

Here are some of the best:

Think you can do better? Tweet us your best efforts with the #AlbumsAsBookCovers hashtag.

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