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Strangers donate £6,000 To Wipe Katie Culter's PR Bill

Strangers donate £6,000 To Wipe Katie Culter's PR Bill

The story continues.

Hamish Kilburn

Hamish Kilburn

If you've been living under a rock for the last few weeks, here's what you need to know about the Alan Barnes/Katie Cutler/Claire Barber PR story. Brace yourselves.

Beautician Katie Cutler raised the grand total of £330,000 to help 4ft 6in mugging victim Alan Barnes after he was attacked outside his home in Gateshead by thugs.

Image credit: PA

Following her impressive efforts, Cutler gained a lot of publicity. Despite her incredible work in spearheading the fundraising for Barnes, he was only prepared to hand over £10 of the sum of the cash he gained from kind donations.

However, she wasn't quite as selfless as she originally made out because it has been reported that it was all a calculated move to find fame. Katie apparently paid a PR company £550 a day to try and make her a celebrity. The reported goal was for her to appear on shows like Celebrity Big Brother.

She then said in an interview that she sometimes wishes she never helped Barnes.

Image credit: PA

Following the shit storm Katie has found herself in for the past few weeks, harmony seems to have been restored thanks to the generous offers from various strangers. Just in time, before she was about to go through intense - and again public - legal proceedings, strangers have raised £6,000 to cover her PR debt.

It's been widely reported that Katie owes Claire Barber, CEO of Claire Barber PR, £6,687. Barber is said to have called it quits and let her client off the remaining fee of £687 that she still owed.

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