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Biker Gets Pissed At Driver And Gets Revenge - But Who's In The Wrong?

Biker Gets Pissed At Driver And Gets Revenge - But Who's In The Wrong?

Answer: both of them.

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

This is one of those videos that once you watch, you'll be thinking about for ages.

It's the classic story of road rage. Someone's been a bit of a dick (don't know who in this case because the recording starts while it's already kicked off) and the other person's retaliated. This is next level pettiness though.

Seriously, watch this.

Credit: jon benjamin

So, as you can see, the driver of the car flips the biker off and throws a bottle at him. This is very dangerous as obviously the biker could've gone arse over tit.

However, the biker decides to not take the moral high ground and instead tails the driver for TWENTY MINUTES. He then gets a rock and smashes the driver's window in. What a complete tool.

The comments on the YouTube video are pretty similar to my own - they're both a pair of idiots.

User J583 clearly doesn't mince his words and got top comment with his opinion: "I see two cunts."

Me.K wanted something a little more imaginative: "I was hoping he'd throw something cool through his window, like a snake or a badger or something."

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, pretty soon everyone blind and gummy" said avid YouTube user, Julius Fawcett. Not quite sure what to make of that one.

Danger Russ is clearly fluent in sarcasm and piped up with: "Oh man I'm on a bike so I have anger issues! Let me trail a guy for 20 minutes so I can bash his window in with a fucking rock! Yea that'll learn him! Stupid cagers! Amiright!? Hey guys I'm gonna video tape my crime and put it on Youtube for everyone to see! I'm so fucking smart, mom would be proud."

It looks like the biker in question could have landed himself in serious trouble with this 'revenge' clip as he's literally recorded the evidence needed against him in a trial. Plus, at the time of writing, nearly 164,000 people have seen it.


Featured image credit: jon benjamin

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