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Venomous cobra dies after being bitten to death by an eight-year-old boy

Venomous cobra dies after being bitten to death by an eight-year-old boy

Deepak was playing in his backyard in India’s Pandarpadh village in the Jashpur district when the snake struck him.

A cobra has died after an eight-year-old boy bit it to death after the snake wrapped itself around his hand.

The New Indian Express reported that the boy known only as Deepak from India’s Pandarpadh village in the Jashpur district was playing in his backyard when the venomous snake struck him.

He told the outlet: “The snake got wrapped around my hand and bit me. I was in great pain. As the reptile didn’t budge when I tried to shake it off, I bit it hard twice.

"It all happened in a flash.”

Stu Porter / Alamy Stock Photo

Deepak’s family rushed him to a nearby hospital, where he was treated with anti-venom and kept under observation for the entire day before he was discharged.

Snake expert Qaiser Hussain told the Indian newspaper: “Deepak didn’t show any symptoms and recovered fast owing to the dry bite when the poisonous snake strikes but no venom is released.

"Such snakebites are painful and may show only local symptoms around the area of bite.”

The incident comes after a two-year-old in Bingol, eastern Turkey, killed a deadly snake by sinking her teeth in.

Seriously, these kids are giving Bear Grylls a run for his money.

The Sun reported that the child was playing her the backyard when she encountered the limbless reptile, which slithered across her face on August 10.

Major yikes.

Tim Davies / Alamy Stock Photo

As the snake bit the toddler, the neighbours suddenly heard loud screaming.

As they promptly ran next door to come to the toddler’s aid, they found the 20-inch (50cm) critter in the girl’s mouth.

The girl managed to seek revenge by killing the snake after it bit her lip.

She was then taken to Bingol Maternity and Children's Hospital and put under observation for 24 hours.

The girl was reported to be well and recovering.

According to the publication, her dad Mehmet Ercan, who was at work at the time of the attack, said: "Our neighbours have told me that the snake was in the hand of my child, she was playing with it and then it bit her.

"Then she has bitten the snake back as a reaction."

According to The World Health Organisation (WHO), between 81,000 and 138,000 people die from snakebites a year, while 400,000 are left permanently disabled or disfigured.

Featured Image Credit: Danilo Gitto / Alamy Stock Photo. Sam Yue / Alamy Stock Photo

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