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Company which turned man into dog for £12,480 has made a more expensive wolf costume

Company which turned man into dog for £12,480 has made a more expensive wolf costume

If you want it, the likelihood is the folks over at Zeppet Workshop can make it for you

A company has created a hyper-realistic wolf costume that will have you howling at the moon.

You may have heard about the guy who recently had a bespoke dog suit made for him. If you hadn't, now you have:

The chances are that if you want it, the good folks over at the Zeppet Workshop will be able to build it for you.

They offer a special service for people looking for a bit of escapism, whether that's wanting to knock about like a dog or rolling around in the mud like a pig.

The results are so incredibly (terrifyingly) lifelike that they really put those Furries lads to shame in the design stakes.

One of their latest clients got in touch with them on a whim, asking them if they would turn him into a wolf.

And they did not disappoint.

The customer said it was his dream to look like a wolf.
Zeppet Workshop

Writing on their site, the unnamed customer explained: "Because of my love for animals since childhood and some realistic animal suits appearing on TV, I dreamed of 'being one someday'.

"At the final fitting, I was amazed at my transformed self in the mirror. It was a moment when my dream come true.

"It only took about three days from the final fitting to the delivery, but the three days felt very long. It was a kind of excitement I have not felt for a long time."

Adding: "My order to 'look like a real wolf walking on hind legs' was difficult – to say the least – but the complete suit looked exactly like what I imagined."

They were not disappointed with the results.
Zeppet Workshop

But when you're having to fork out over £18,700 for a piece of kit like this, you'd expect it to look pretty good, wouldn't you?

This comes after another lad got his wish wen Zeppet were able to make him the dog suit he'd always wanted.

In case you missed it, earlier this year a bloke named Toco revealed his ridiculously realistic canine suit, which set him back well over £12,000.

Although some might feel it frivolous to spend so much money on what is essentially a fancy dress costume, there's no denying how lifelike it looks.

What's more, Toco explained to the MailOnline at the time that he's 'wanted to be an animal' ever since he was a 'small child'.

However, the YouTuber - who keeps his followers updated on his animal antics - has chosen to keep his face hidden from the limelight as he fears what his peers might think.

Speaking to The Mirror, Toco, from Japan, explained: "I rarely tell my friends because I am afraid they will think I am weird. My friends and family seemed very surprised to learn I became an animal."

If your mates don't understand, you could always give the wolf a call, I guess.

Featured Image Credit: Zeppet Workshop

Topics: Animals, World News