A couple have defended themselves online after skipping out on paying their food bill, saying that there was a ‘personal emergency’ after being called out online.
The landlady of the Smithy Arms in Swinton, North Yorkshire, shared images from CCTV footage of the pair and claimed that they'd eaten and left without paying the bill.
The Facebook post read: "How nice of you to come for a meal and drinks and run without paying. Staying on a campsite near."

The couple have since been identified as Ruby, 32, and Suzy, 33.
And one of the women has spoken out in a now deleted Instagram post, saying that they have settled their £56 bill and had always intended to 'hurry back to sort the bill'.
Ruby, whose profile also seems to have been deleted, called out the online 'homophobic and body-shaming witch hunt' and said that the incident had been 'blown out of proportion'.

It read: "Usually I'd ignore ridiculous online hate, but this also involves my children so I'm just popping on to say that last night we had a delicious meal and experienced brilliant service at The Smithy Arms in Swinton, but sadly our visit was cut short and we had to dash - poor Frank didn't even get to have his ice cream - due to a personal emergency.
"Our plan was to call the pub asap to let them know the situation and then hurry back to sort the bill.

She continued: "As we were camping, we realised once we got back that we had zero bloody reception and had to wait until this morning to contact the pub and clear the bill!
"Anyway, long story short, all is well, the bill and generous tip have been paid. There are no hard feelings between myself and the lovely people at The Smithy Arms, yet the internet has gone nuts.
"A misunderstanding that got enormously blown out of proportion, followed by a homophobic and body-shaming witch hunt.
"Beware the power of social media."
Ruby later spoke to the MailOnline, saying: "We had eaten our meal and I was waiting to pay the bill when we had a medical issue in our group and it became urgent that we left.

"My wife was in the car waiting and I simply had to leave as quickly as possible.
"I rang the pub that night but couldn't get anyone and then when we arrived at the campsite where we had been staying I couldn't get any signal."
She continued: "Today I have been in touch with the landlady and explained our situation and that we'll be paying the bill in full.
"To find ourselves at the centre of this has not been pleasant for us and we did not intend to cause this situation."
LADbible has reached out to The Smithy Arms for comment.
Topics: News, UK News, Food And Drink