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Driver Claims He's Not To Blame As He Captures Moment Cyclist Bounces Off Windscreen

Driver Claims He's Not To Blame As He Captures Moment Cyclist Bounces Off Windscreen

The cyclist admitted that he wasn't sober and left before the police arrived

Incredible footage has been released showing the moment a cyclist crashed into a car and cracks the windscreen. See it for yourself:

Ian Payne was was driving through Portsmouth last month when a rider came out of nowhere and smashed into his windscreen.

The plumber was on his way to an emergency leak when he took a turn and the cyclist ended up on his bonnet on 23 May.

Dashcam footage shows the moment the pair collided, with the man bouncing off the windscreen and onto the floor.

Mr Payne said he called the police and an ambulance but the rider - who admitted he was drunk - cycled off before they arrived.

"Just when I’d come off the A3, there was a van on the island and there were some guys fixing a light," said the 68-year-old.

"As I was driving round, I was coming around about 18mph and then suddenly this bike just appeared from nowhere.

"He’d come off the footpath, straight across one road then on a footpath onto the island and hit me. He was so fast.

The cyclist came out of nowhere.
Kennedy News and Media

"It was just a shock at first. I did turn round and swear and shout at those guys fixing the lights, 'It's not my fault', but I think that was just the shock of the moment."

Mr Payne said he couldn't' believe what had happened and thought he may have killed the cyclist.

"I was shaking a little bit," he said. "I had to take a few minutes to get myself back because I did feel a little bit shocked.

"When he went down, I thought he was dead because of the force he hit the window screen. You can only see the cracks on the footage but the window screen was smashed right in.

"The way that his head hit it, I just can’t believe that he walked away."

After getting back to his feet, the rider told Mr Payne that he wasn't sober and left before the ambulance and the police got there.

He said: "I think it's wrong that the people on these push bikes have lanes put in for them but they aren’t insured. I think it's wrong. I think that they should be insured.

"It happened so quickly for me. Obviously I was quite gutted for him at first but when he told me he was [not sober] then I thought if I was driving down the road with one of my kids in the car it could have been a lot worse.

He smashed his head on the windscreen and fell to the floor.
Kennedy News and Media

"I feel that he put other people in danger by behaving like that."

Mr Payne later shared the video on Facebook to show people why dashcams are so important.

He said: "I’m not being funny but he could have said anything he wanted without the dashcam. He should have stopped and that was that."

A spokesperson for Hampshire Police said: "We were called at 4.04pm on Monday 23 May to a report of a road traffic collision involving a van and a cyclist on the M275 southbound.

"The cyclist, an 18-year-old man, sustained minor injuries. The circumstances of this incident are under investigation. No arrests have been made at the current time."

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: UK News, Viral