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Little Lads Caught Saying 'We're Gonna Be F***ing Rich' After Being Paid To Shovel Snow

Little Lads Caught Saying 'We're Gonna Be F***ing Rich' After Being Paid To Shovel Snow

The two mates couldn't believe their luck and quickly looked to how they were gonna spend their money

Incredible footage has been shared from a conversation between two little lads right after a woman offered to pay them $20 to clear the snow from her drive. Have a look below:

Video from the doorbell camera of a property in Winnipeg, Canada, shows the young boys knocking on to enquire about the job.

Before the owner answers the door, one of the lads says to the other that he is feeling 'positive'.

When the woman comes out, one of them asks: "Hi, do you want us to shovel your driveway for 20 bucks?"

"Yes we do. Okay I'll get you 20 bucks right now but we have to leave so I'll give you the money if you can shovel and then we'll be back in an hour okay?" the woman replies.

The boys can't believe their luck, and once the woman goes back inside, they turn to each other in sheer amazement.

The young lads were excited to make some money for their efforts.

"Did you hear that? We're gonna be f***ing rich!" shouts the taller of the two.

The other then replies: "Oh boy, oh boy, awesome! No wonder all these people are rich. 

"They'll pay us, they're like, 'I'm not shovelling, I've got lots of money, who cares'."

The bigger boy then pulls out a bag, which he says they'll use to keep their cash in.

"I've got a paper bag, all our money, we'll be counting it up," he says.

Clearly over the moon, the lads then start to discuss the possibilities of their venture and how they are going to spend their money.

One of them says: "You should see my bank account, I heard I have like $6,000 in there."

"You should just keep saving up until you're like 16 and then you can buy a car," the bigger lad replies.

"You need to buy a very short car though because you're very short."

Their conversation has had people in stitches.

The ambitious friend says: "A Lamborghini's good for me, they're short."

The woman then comes out and pays them.

"Ok, now let's do a really good job because they paid us first," says the tall boy.

He then tells his friend: "Hey get to work stop fooling around."

Trying to get out of shovelling, the smaller lad asks: "Can we finish it tomorrow?"

Since the footage was posted, people have been in stitches watching the boys' conversation.

One user wrote: "Can we finish it tomorrow! Haha great vid."

"Now let's do a good job because they paid us first. Wow I wish adults thought like that lol," put another.

Featured Image Credit: ViralHog

Topics: Viral, US News