If snakes weren't already terrifying enough, a video has emerged of a snake leaping several metres through the air and its sent chills through those who have watched it. It's even left Australian locals vowing that they'll never leave their house again.
You can watch the clip here.
Though the video is just five seconds long, it's enough to shock anyone who sees it. However, there's a few people who are familiar with the activity captured by the footage, including snake catcher Liza Van Gelder from Lockyer Valley in Queensland, who has been using the video to warn locals and visitors of the dangers as 'hatchlings are coming out'.
The snake in the clip is perched at the edge of a roof where it seems like it's going to drop six metres off the edge, before coiling its body like a spring and leaping forward before slithering off into the bush.

The footage is concerning to say the least, with councillor of Moreton Bay Regional Council, Mark Booth saying: "Well I could have easily gone the rest of my life not knowing they can do that…"
Ms Van Gelder from Lockyer Valley has tried to explain the video, saying that 'the snake may have been trying to seek shade, or to get away to hide'.
"They don't like to be seen, much. Birds sometimes try to attack them, so it could have been trying to escape from a bird," Ms Van Gelder told Daily Mail Australia.
But, even if that is the case, how did the snake get up on the roof in the first place? Well, she's answered that one too, and it's probably not what you want to hear.

"Snakes actually do climb. I've come across a few eastern browns - highly venomous snakes - climb," said Ms Van Gelder.
"Everyone reckons eastern browns don't climb, but they actually utilise their body to move side to side and climb up things. I've seen eastern browns up on roofs, up on window sills and other things."
Ms Van Gelder says that the snake in the video 'looks like a common tree snake' but can't be sure for certain as the footage isn't too clear.
Luckily, common tree snakes are non-venomous, whereas brown tree snakes can be mildly venomous. The common tree snake is usually seen during the daytime and is native to many areas of Australia - mainly in the northern and eastern coastal areas. When the snake feels under threat, it raises itself, revealing splashes of blue under its scales.

Snake catchers in the area have been incredibly busy as of lately.
"During the summer we have a fair few call outs. Some snake catchers are that busy that we actually have to refer calls between us to keep the community safe. If we can't attend a call because we're already on a call out we refer someone else," added Ms Van Gelder.
An elderly man sadly died from a snakebite on Saturday morning, which Ms Van Gelder has expressed her sympathies over, concluding her Facebook post with: "This is why we ask you to please call a snake catcher and stay away and be very wary of what you're picking up or where you're walking."
"We are now starting to have hatchlings coming out. Please be aware."