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Fans hail Logan Paul for 'saving wrestler's life' during WWE fight

Fans hail Logan Paul for 'saving wrestler's life' during WWE fight

The influencer, 28, took on Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio and took his belt on Saturday at the Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia.

Logan Paul has been hailed as a hero for saving his rival wrestler from sustaining a serious injury during their battle for the WWE US Championship.

The influencer, 28, took on Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio and took his belt on Saturday (4 November) at the Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia.

The influencer has been hailed a 'hero' for his quick response.
Getty Images / Mark Blinch / Contributor

He managed to secure his first major victory of his wrestling career after defeating the 619 spinning legend.

Paul used a pair of brass knuckles to pummel Mysterio, before pinning him to a three-count at the WWE battle.

But before he was crowned the winner, the YouTube star had already managed to win over fans.

Paul saved his opponent from smashing head first onto the mat after Mysterio botched a flip.

The SmackDown star jumped off the second rope and intended to take down Paul with a Springboard Moonsault.

Viewers watched with bated breath as Mysterio spun through the air and appeared destined to crash land on his neck.

But a quick-thinking Paul seemingly noticed he had miscalculated the move and sprang into action.

Rey Mysterio seemed to miscalculate his flip on Saturday.

He caught the 48-year-old mid-air on his shoulder, giving Mysterio room to put his hands out.

Paul was brought to his knees by the valiant gesture, but was able to stand back up under the weight of his rival.

The amateur boxer then quickly got his head back in the game and put Mysterio down with an epic Powerslam.

He may be health and safety conscious, but he still had to win.

Paul was praised for his ring awareness in what was only his eight ever wrestling match by WWE fans.

One said: "He saved Rey's life."

Another wrote: "Fair play Logan, that could have been bad for Rey."

A third added: "Props to Logan Paul on that."

Paul managed to catch his opponent on his shoulder before he smashed into the canvas.

A fourth commented: "Beats the hell out of Dillon, then saves Rey Mysterio from a potentially horrifying injury. I'm starting to believe the Logan Paul redemption arc."

Another went as far as to describe Paul 'consummate professional', who 'wrestles like someone who wants to be there'.

Others claimed Mysterio was prepared for the landing as he had his arms outstretched.

Some said that Paul was in the wrong position and should have been closer to the ropes.

One social media user fumed: "B******s! Was always supposed to catch him, Logan was wrongly placed for the move and almost caused the injury."

Another chimed in: "He’s clearly supposed to be close enough to either catch or take that. Not catch him last minute."

Either way, Paul proved his impeccable core strength and his decorum in the WWE ring.

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Topics: Logan Paul, Social Media, Sport, WWE, Boxing

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