People are flocking to social media to praise Sydney for holding a New Year's Eve fireworks display at 9:00pm as well as one at midnight.
Prepare to 'Oo' and 'Ah' at the pretty lights:
The idea of staying up until midnight is all well and good until you get to the Boxing Day slump and realise the build-up to Christmas was all a bit too much.
As much as it's a nice idea staying up late to see in and celebrate the new year ahead, midnight is rather late for small children to manage and once you get to a certain age - like me, aged 22 - a good nights sleep is so hard to come by you'll take any opportunity you can.
With many people having the day off on 1 January, New Year's Eve is the perfect time to catch up on some rest.
The event organisers of Sydney, Australia's 2022 New Year's Eve celebrations have been widely praised for hosting a fireworks display not only at midnight, but also at 9:00pm for those of us who can't hack staying up late.

The 9:00pm fireworks were called the 'Calling Country fireworks'.
The Sydney New Year's Eve website states: "Calling Country fireworks celebrate the local histories and contemporary experiences of Indigenous storytellers through art, song, sound, and dance.
"As a way of Calling Country, the selection of artists brings connections between the land, water and sky to reflect on the past, and grow stronger into the future."
The preparation for the - not one, but two - fireworks displays was no easy feat either, with Foti international Fireworks director Fortunato Foti telling The Guardian that the fireworks took '4,000 hours' to design, stage and launch.
He said: [We want to] give people a reason to say ‘that was the best display ever’.

"With so many people finally able to come and watch the fireworks in person, we really wanted to make sure they were in for something special."
A total of 7,000 fireworks were fired from 184 positions on Sydney Harbour Bridge and 2,000 were shot from the Opera House.
The 9:00pm fireworks are reported by one attendee as lasting for eight minutes.
People have whizzed to social media to applaud the display and the decision to have some fireworks held earlier in the evening.
One Twitter user said: "Wow. Sydney do fireworks well. That was only the 9pm show."

"It's almost NYE here, and I'm ready to celebrate *lying on the couch with my glass of chardy*. Our party days are over, now Mr Gabs will be in bed after the 9pm fireworks," another wrote.
A third commented: "Wish I could have been there for this absolutely loved being in Sydney in 2015 to see such an incredible display put on and getting two firework displays for the price of one 9pm for the family's was also spectacular I will be turning in at 1pm UK time to watch the main event."
A final resolved: "Sydney getting in early with New Year’s fireworks for 2023. The 9pm light show on Sydney Harbour is perfect for the younger revellers who have trouble staying up — and for the older ones, too, with the same problem!"
Topics: Australia, Social Media, Viral