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Mushroom chef's ex-husband breaks into tears as he explains final text mum sent before falling into coma

Mushroom chef's ex-husband breaks into tears as he explains final text mum sent before falling into coma

The late couple's memorial service took place earlier today

The ex-husband of Erin Patterson broke down into tears as he recalled the final text his mum sent him before falling into a coma.

Ms Patterson, from Victoria, Australia, recently held a family lunch at her home, having invited former in-laws Gail and Don Patterson, both 70, as well as Mrs Patterson's sister, Heather Wilkinson, 66, and her husband Reverend Ian Wilkinson, 68, to the beef wellington meal.

Tragedy struck when all four guests fell ill, with Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Patterson both passing away on 5 August, followed by Mr Patterson the following day.

Mr Wilkinson is still in hospital and is said to be in a critical condition while he awaits a liver transplant.

Police said they displayed symptoms of having eaten poisonous death cap mushrooms, while Ms Patterson has denied any wrongdoing.

A public memorial service was held for the late Mr and Mrs Patterson – who were the parents of Ms Patterson’s ex-husband Simon Patterson – earlier today at the Korumburra Recreation Centre in Korumburra, Victoria.

Don and Gail Patterson sadly died earlier this month.
Family handout

A statement from the family read: "The Patterson family has expressed their deep gratitude for the outpouring of love, support and understanding during this challenging time.

“They have been touched by the many memories and stories shared by friends, acquaintances, and even strangers who were touched by Don and Gail‘s kindness and generosity.”

During the service, their son remembered the final text he received from his mother before she spent her final hours in a coma in hospital.

“It was no fluke that mum’s final text message on our family group chat as she lay in Dandenong hospital was: ‘Lots of love to you all’,” he said, adding that his parents were always ‘a team, working at life together’.

Simon Patterson broke down as he paid tribute to his parents.
7 News

“The fact they died on consecutive days is fitting in some ways, as it reflects their togetherness as a couple that they always worked so hard to grow.”

He added that the couple’s strong Christian faith gave them a ‘pretty healthy view’ on death, and that they believed in life beyond the grave, saying: “They acknowledged life’s transience and death’s reality as something that is not right about the world and very sad but also knew that death is not final.

“They would always wave goodbye when they parted ways. It was partly because one day would be the last wave.”

The service was led by local reverend, Dr Fran Grimes, who described Don and Gail as ‘pillars of the community’.

Featured Image Credit: 7 News/Family handout

Topics: Australia, Erin Patterson

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