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UK's Most Prolific Dad With 160 Kids Won't Get To Speak To Them All On Father's Day

UK's Most Prolific Dad With 160 Kids Won't Get To Speak To Them All On Father's Day

Joe will only get to see one of his kids in person on the big day

An online sperm donor has said his Father's Day is going to be a quiet one this year - despite having fathered more than 160 kids.

Joe, who is from the US but lives in the UK, has been donating his sperm since 2008 and has helped dozens of women get pregnant over the years without even meeting some of them in person.

The 51-year-old who goes by the pseudonym 'Joe Donor' offers a range of methods to women wanting to conceive including the traditional route of having sex, as well as partial intercourse (sex without kissing) and artificial intercourse.

Joe Donor has fathered over 160 kids.

Joe's services have seen him travelling across America, the UK, Italy, Singapore, the Philippines and Argentina, fathering kids across the globe.

Women will often reach out to him on Facebook or Instagram, and can also opt to have his deposit sent via overnight courier.

But while he's helped to conceive over 160 children, he's only going to be seeing one of his offspring on Father's Day today (19 June).

Speaking to The Sun, he said: "Father's Day is so different from Mother's Day, because Mother's Day is all about getting flowers and all these things but Father's Day if you're lucky you might get some socks.

The prolific sperm donor helps women across the globe to conceive.

"Fingers crossed - I could do with some new pairs. It's more about trying to spend a little time with your children.

"This Father's Day I'll probably talk to about a dozen of my children. I wouldn't have time to talk to 160 children anyway so it works out.

"Lots of my children are in different time zones so I’ll probably end up speaking to them on different days."

Joe previously said that the pandemic hadn't slowed him down, although he was stuck in Argentina for a while when he travelled there to donate his sperm in person.

He doesn't gain financially from his ventures, but instead enjoys the benefits of making women's dreams come true by helping them to have children.

Elaborating on how it all works, Joe told the Sun: "People contact me on Facebook or Instagram or email me and ask me for help and I usually will ask them about their period.

"I use the start date for all my calculations and I put that in my calculator and then we work out a date to meet and we discuss exactly how they want to go about doing it.

Joe will only be seeing one of his kids this Father's Day.

"For some people the natural insemination is the most effective but some people are in a relationship where they feel that might cause trouble, so they prefer to do an artificial insemination.

"I help people all over the UK. Right now I have a couple of women who are pregnant because I sent them my sperm by overnight courier. So I got those women pregnant without ever meeting them.

"Out of my 160 kids I have met more than 60. There are some kids that I meet on a daily basis and there are some that I often talk with on WhatsApp."

Featured Image Credit: Caters

Topics: Parenting, UK News

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