One man unlucky enough to be attacked twice in the same day by a grizzly bear was able to share the bloody aftermath as he walked to hospital.
Todd Orr had started the day thinking he was going to be taking an autumnal hike through the mountains of southwest Montana.
However, three miles into his walk he spotted a fearsome grizzly bear and her two cubs right in his path and they saw him too.
The bears ran away upon seeing him, and Orr decided to wait 30 seconds to judge the situation before wisely choosing to walk in the opposite direction.
However, he soon heard a noise and turned to see the adult grizzly charging back towards him, and she was heading right for him at incredible speed.

Shouting to try and scare the bear off, Orr deployed a can of bear spray in an attempt to keep the beast at bay, but she charged right through it and attacked.
Lying down on the ground and curled up into a ball with his hands on the back of his neck, which is exactly what you should do if a grizzly bear attacks, the hiker was bitten several times on the arms, shoulders and back.
Luckily, the bear attack was over after a few seconds as the ferocious grizzly ran off coughing, leaving Orr to hike the three miles back to his truck where he could head for a hospital.
Unluckily, a few minutes later the bear was back again and this time it was even more ferocious.
Orr again dropped to the ground, covering the most vital areas of his body and staying calm despite every bite feeling 'like a sledgehammer with teeth'.
One particularly savage bite on his left arm left him able to hear his bones cracking, and the gasp of pain only made the grizzly more ferocious.
Eventually the bites stopped and the bear stood on top of Orr, slowly crushing him into the ground.
For an agonising 30 seconds he lay there being crushed into the dirt, wondering when the next bite was coming when suddenly the bear was gone.

Dripping with blood, covered in bruises and having some of his bones smashed, Orr was nonetheless able to work out in the aftermath of the bear attack that he had not been left with life threatening injuries.
Instead, he faced finishing the three mile hike back to his truck in case the fierce grizzly decided a third attack was on the cards.
Since he was sure he wasn't going to die, he decided to film himself and make an account of the bloody aftermath of the bear attack, showing just exactly how dangerous the mighty beasts are and what they can do to a person.
Tourists who've come face-to-face with a grizzly bear have sometimes managed to avoid danger by staying calm and quiet, talking to the bear in low tones and letting it move on.
However, even people who do everything right can still get attacked, and the best idea is to stay as far away as possible if you can.