Most people reckon they've got a genius on their hands when their child walks a week before the books tell them, but one family really can make the claim.
That's because after taking an IQ test, little Reiss Sanders qualified for membership of Mensa. Not only that but he got 100 percent meaning he's officially a genius.

The 10-year-old took the Cattell III B test - which has around 300 questions - but just before taking it, he suffered a last-minute bout of nerves so stepdad Stephen offered to take it as well.
To their surprise, they both scored enough to join Mensa with Reiss getting an incredible 162 - the maximum possible for his age.
Stephen had an IQ of 142 - meaning they have both been admitted into the high IQ society. Oi oi.

Mum Rebecca Sanders-Hall, 37, who says while she always thought her son was a genius, was 'so proud' for Mensa to officially call him one.
She said: “He’s always been ahead of his years when he’s done academic work. As a young boy he was fast to pick up numbers, shapes, and this was before his second birthday.
“As he’s gone into education he has always been very advanced where we’ve got to the point we’ve realised in the last 12 months the way he thinks is different to other kids. He’s very astute.
“He’s a complete sponge and grasps material differently. He’s pretty exceptional. Everyone says that about their child, so you don’t want to just say that, but we thought why not test it?"
She went on to add: “A couple days before he got really nervous. He’s quite small in stature so he was worried about doing it with all the adults in the room.
“My husband, who was quite curious about his own results, said that he would come and do it with him.
“They went along and they both found it really tough. My husband, in particular, thinks he found it more tough."

Stephen Sanders-Hall said: "I did it to support Reiss, most of all. It was an adult environment and that sort of thing can be very stressful but there are things that you can do to make it relaxed.
"He had me there, so that was one thing. I also gave him my watch as he couldn't see the clock on the wall."
The Cattell III B test, which includes a lot of verbal reasoning, is one way to measure IQ, or intelligence quotient.
The average score is said to be around 100, with a top score of 162 for children and 161 for adults.
Rebecca added: “We got my husband’s results first, and he got into Mensa, and that was pure excitement. I was nervous because I thought about how to break it to Reiss that he didn’t get in.
“But then his came through, it was full marks and Mensa had categorised him as a genius.
“It was sheer excitement. I always thought he was gifted, different to other children, but it wasn’t a tried and tested situation.
“I’m immensely proud of him.”
Reiss is now looking at completing his GCSE mathematics this year and is busy learning trigonometry, chemistry and physics.
Rebecca said: "I hope he uses his academic brain, but he really loves football too. He’s not sure what he wants to do yet.
"He went into the Mensa test in an Arsenal football kit. He’s a walking contradiction."
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