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Woman who 'died' after being struck by lightning claims she can see future after predicting disaster

Woman who 'died' after being struck by lightning claims she can see future after predicting disaster

Elizabeth Krohn was struck by lightning when she was 28

A woman who was hit by a lightning strike has revealed what she saw when she was dead.

Elizabeth Krohn, from the US, had a near death experience when she took her children to the synagogue back in 1988.

After a thunderstorm broke, she reached for her umbrella and as her wedding ring finger was touching the shaft, Elizabeth was struck by lightning.

The mum recalled that while she was 'dead', she was able to look down at her lifeless body, with her consciousness still intact.

Elizabeth Krohn was struck by lightning when she was 28. (YouTube/Shaman Oaks)
Elizabeth Krohn was struck by lightning when she was 28. (YouTube/Shaman Oaks)

“I thought, where's my umbrella? So I looked out the window. Sure enough, there was my umbrella in the parking lot," she told the Shaman Oaks podcast.

“I looked to the right, about 20 feet from the umbrella, and I saw me on the ground.”

Describing what she saw, Elizabeth continued: “It's not a garden like anything here on Earth. The plants were different. The flowers, were blossoming, just exploding with colour – it's so frustrating because the words just don't exist here.”

Shortly after, she said she apparently had a conversation with her dead grandad.

She said: “I was told that I could stay there if I wanted to, or I could choose to come back. And he was going to help me make that decision by answering any questions I had.”

He supposedly told her the result of that year’s Super Bowl and that George H. Bush was going to win the election.

Elizabeth says she came into contact with her dead grandad. (Getty Stock Images)
Elizabeth says she came into contact with her dead grandad. (Getty Stock Images)

Elizabeth said: “I was not a political person and I didn't care. So I said ‘Why are you telling me these things?’ And he said ‘Because when you get back, you're going to have a hard time remembering what we talked about and what you were told.

“‘When you see who wins that Super Bowl, or you see that George Bush is named president, it'll trigger your memories of being here’.

“I had to spend several months in bed because my feet were so burned, so I slept a lot."

Having 'returned to reality', she continues to suffer from nightmares about the future.

“As I was sleeping, I was having dreams. These dreams were very specific, and I remembered details. Not only did I remember the details, they were all bad dreams.

“They were nightmares of terrible events, tsunamis, and earthquakes and plane crashes and horrible, horrible things.”

The book author is also adamant that she was told about the TWA Flight 800 disaster and recalled having a conversation with a plane crash victim.

She said: “I was on the plane and I was talking to another passenger. She told me her name. She introduced me to her child who was sitting next to her.

"It was like being at a cocktail party, just making small talk. Suddenly I knew the plane was going to crash and I needed to open my eyes. Until I open my eyes I'm on this plane.

"But she grabbed my arms and wouldn't let go. And until she let go, I couldn't wake up. And she was screaming for me to take her child with me. She knew I could leave, and she wanted me to take her child.

"She told me her husband's name. And she said ‘Take my child and find the father.’ Then there was this jolt. Then, outside the plane I saw souls rising from the wreckage."

Elizabeth now travels the country to speak about her near death ex­per­ience.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Elizabeth G. Krohn/Getty stock

Topics: Weird