While you may be wondering what the state of the planet could look like in the future or whether or not we’ll all be replaced by robots, there might be something else on other people’s minds.
As some blokes obsess over the size of their manhood and ponder its progression, scientists have revealed just what they could look like in the future.
With some major differences ahead in the phallic future, researchers have said the penis is actually getting longer.
Before humans reach the end of the century, current rates of growth suggest the average length could be pushing 8.5 inches. It’s currently said to be between 5.1 and 5.5 inches.
And some of these big changes in d*ck lore could be down to ‘biohackers’ making tweaks and changes to the body.
Yeah, it’s all seeming like some kind of sci-fi porno to be honest.
Experts reckon that the biohacked penis of times to come (nicknamed ‘penis 2.0’) will have some wild changes – even including the likes of dildo-style vibrations.
Simon Underdown is a professor of biological anthropology at Oxford Brookes University and reckons that any notable changes in manhood measurements in years to come are likely to be a result of self-made alterations.
“If there is enough demand, driven by fashion or societal trends, for tweaking bits of the body then we're probably not that far away from being able to genetically do that,” he told MailOnline.
“That's what makes humans really interesting – we're close to the point at which we can mess about with biological processes because we want to rather than there being a strong biological selective pressure.”
But while biohackers may attempt changes in ejaculation speed and distance, in-built contraception, or enhanced sensitivity, it does seem size may change regardless of any tweaks being made in the labs.

A 2023 Stanford University study found that penises have grown on average at an ‘alarming rate’ over three decades.
Researchers used data from 55,761 men and found the average erect penis to jump a whopping 25 percent in length between 1992 and 2021.
That’s an increase from 4.8 to 6 inches.
So, if that rate carries on, it could be going beyond the 8.5 inches.
“If we're seeing this fast of a change, it means that something powerful is happening to our bodies,' said lead author Dr Michael Eisenberg.
The authors say it may be down to factors like pollutants or inactivity.
Well, the rise of the d*ck could be an interesting one - told you it sounds like a film.
Topics: Health