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Bartenders admit there’s only one ‘appropriate’ way to ask them on a date while on a night out

Bartenders admit there’s only one ‘appropriate’ way to ask them on a date while on a night out

Everyone has thought about doing it, but there's apparently only one way to do it right

A number of bartenders have come out and revealed that there's one way to ask them on a date while they're behind the bar.

It's something that most people have contemplated, but almost none of them have done - asking out the guy/girl serving drinks behind the bar.

A daunting task in itself if they were just another person in the club or bar that you're in, asking someone out while they're on shift could end in disaster, or perceived as weird.

Trying to bag a bartender can be a bad idea, if you don't approach it right. (Getty Stock Photo)
Trying to bag a bartender can be a bad idea, if you don't approach it right. (Getty Stock Photo)

Bartenders are known for keeping an eye out for their customers, saving them from any troublemakers and for doing their job and making nice drinks for you and your mates on a night out.

But some nights, if the bar isn't completely swamped with thirsty (in both senses) customers, you may spot an opening to go and shoot your shot with the good-looking bartender, however, it's important not to make the same mistakes as others.

You may be struggling to figure the best approach when it comes to that situation, but the sad answer is, there probably isn't one.

They are at work after all, and getting flirty and carried away may not be on their agenda ahead of what is probably a busy night ahead.

However, against all the odds, you may be a lucky camper one night if you do this specific method and hope for the best.

Don't believe me?

Well, who better to believe than the bartenders themselves, who have taken to social media to address the issue and share what they think protocol is.

The best idea might be to leave them alone, but you may really want to approach them. (Getty Stock Photo)
The best idea might be to leave them alone, but you may really want to approach them. (Getty Stock Photo)

Posting on Reddit, there were two main points made by users, who were replying to the question 'What is the appropriate way to ask out a bartender?'

Firstly, they said not to ask them out, straight up - a bit of a slap in the face, but there is another point that they make.

They collectively have said that the only way to approach bartenders and for them to consider it is to write your number on the receipt, and leave a generous tip.

One user commented: "Leave a friendly note on the receipt, along with your number and at least a 20% tip. If we're interested in moving forward you'll hear back within 2-3 business days."

Another replied: "This right here. Someone left their number on the receipt along with a shitty tip and I was like '????????'"

It may be best to leave it up to the bartender to make the move. (Getty Stock Photo)
It may be best to leave it up to the bartender to make the move. (Getty Stock Photo)

A third then joined the conversation: "To piggy back on that. There really isn't [a right way to ask them out]. But, if you do:

  • Don't be drunk
  • Don't be creepy
  • Don't assume a large tip will guarantee you a date
  • Ask yourself do you really have a rapport or is this person or are they just being nice because of service?

"Everyone is infatuated with the person that is super nice and has a captivating personality whilst getting them drunk," they explained, also revealing that they have dated other bartenders as a customer, advising people to let the bartender make a move if they're interested.

A different user re-iterated the point, commenting: "If you really have to, leave the ball completely in their court by leaving a good tip with your phone number on the receipt. If they’re keen they’ll follow up. If not, back off."

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock

Topics: Social Media, Food And Drink, Sex and Relationships, Reddit