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While this time of year is often regarded as one of the best, with millions of Brits jetting off to a hot destination, there is a lot pet peeves when it comes to travelling.

Whether that is the infamous sunbed hogging technique, or a crying baby demonstrating they have a strong set of lungs on the four-hour flight to the Canaries, there is a lot that can be an irritant.

Plane etiquette is a big talking point on popular social media sites such as TikTok, with many passengers showcasing some rather questionable actions from fellow flyers.

Dealing with people on a flight, especially a long-haul one, can be a tricky one.

You've got the whole conundrum of a stranger falling asleep on you, to the potential of rowdy, drunk passengers ruining your flight.

But for one particular plane problem, this man had the perfect solution that was all pretty simple.

Plane etiquette is much talked about online.

Of course, leg room on some of those shorter-haul flights can be pretty limited, leaving little to no space for those feet.

TikToker Andreas Ellingsen knows all about this, as he was interrupted by somebody else's feet while sitting back and enjoying the ride.

Andreas noticed that the passenger sat behind him had stretched out that much that one of their feet was sticking out under his seat.

And for those who suffer from podophobia, it is even worse the fact that the passenger was wearing open-toe shoes - yikes.

Instead of turning around and politely asking the fellow passenger to remove their foot, Andreas took matters into his own hands and embarked on the perfect act of revenge.

As documented on his TikTok channel @andreasellingseen, Andreas decided to pour his bottled water over the toes, with the offender quickly retrieving their feet back under their own legroom.

The clip has been viewed more than eight million times on TikTok, as Andreas captioned the video with: "Have a nice trip!"

The ultimate act of revenge has been praised by TikTok users.

The short six-second clip has been liked over a million times and received over 5,000 comments since it was uploaded last month.

Many have flocked to the comments to praise Andreas, while others questioned why the fellow passenger would occupy her feet in such a place.

"How do they even put the feet that far?!" one person asked.

A second added: "This has never happened to me but now I feel like I need to start carrying a bottle of water with me when I take public transport."

Meanwhile, a third remarked: "This is the only appropriate response," and another added: "You sir are a genius."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@andreasellingsen

Topics: TikTok, Travel, Plane Etiquette