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Reason why it is unlikely you will have sex today due to surprising problem

Reason why it is unlikely you will have sex today due to surprising problem

Well, that's not so merry

With less than two weeks left until Christmas Day you might have been feeling particularly festive recently and getting into spreading the joy (but hopefully not anything else).

Maybe you’ve been making sure to fit in those sneaky links before heading back to your parents or spending extra time with your SO before you go your separate ways for a few days for Christmas.

But however much sex you’ve been having, apparently it’s unlikely you’ll be getting any today (15 December) due to a surprising problem.

And well, if you’ve already proved that to be untrue for you then congrats, I guess.

Well, happy sexless day (Getty Stock Image)
Well, happy sexless day (Getty Stock Image)

This curse on 15 December is supposedly the case every year down to a couple of different but related reasons. Today is said to be the ‘most sexless’ day of the year.

Data apparently puts this down to a few factors like the shorter daylight hours (I mean, I don’t know about you but it just seems to be 24/7 darkness) and the post-holiday fatigue contributing to a potential dip in libido.

Yep, as we all get a bit tired out from the work Christmas parties, the panic present buying and the intense amount of general festivities, we’re just simply not as in the mood as we might normally be.

Plus, on top of all that, there’s just the general business of it all. With just one more weekend to go until the big day is here (sorry if you hadn't quite faced that reality yet), many of us are booked and busy with seeing family and friends, getting the last bits of work done and doing the shopping.

So, it hardly feels like there’s time for a decent session in the sheets amid all of that.

Maybe try getting a sexy gift to get the spice back (Getty Stock Image)
Maybe try getting a sexy gift to get the spice back (Getty Stock Image)

Sex and relationship expert Annabelle Knight, who has appeared on the likes of Kinky Dates, This Morning and Loose Women, explained this via Vivastreet.

“Upping your libido around Christmas can be a challenge. It can be stressful,” she said. “We’re all busy with friends and family, and there’s a lot of expectation to have the most perfect time. This can mean that it’s really difficult to prioritise intimacy.”

So, she shared some tips for getting out of the sex slump.

Knight says to try to make way for quality time with your partner as this helps to build emotional intimacy.

The expert also recommends maybe gifting something a little more sexy to try and get the mood going as well as being sure to communicate if you’re feeling a little low lately.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Christmas