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Those who have come close to death and been lucky enough to tell the tale will often describe seeing a warm, welcoming light at the end of a tunnel.

That's not the case for Marrianne Rooprai.

When she suffered a life-changing spinal injury that left her 'clinically dead' after a deadly car accident, she didn't see any glowing lights or omnipotent beings. She saw Snoop Dogg.

Marrianne Rooprai has described seeing Snoop Dogg after surviving a deadly car accident.
LADbible TV

Marrianne and her sister had been driving home from a friend's wedding when they got into a horrific car accident.

Although she has no recollection of what actually happened after the harrowing crash, she does know what people have told her about it - but her brain tells a totally different story.

In reality, Marrianne's injuries were immediately life-threatening and her heart stopped multiple times.

Both at the scene of the accident and in hospital, she had to be resuscitated by emergency services before she was put in an induced coma. On three different occasions, she was clinically dead.

But Marrianne remembers things differently.

Marrianne saw Snoop Dogg during her near-death experience.
Everynight Images / Alamy Stock Photo

"I thought, after the accident, we drove home and went back to my parents house and my mum and dad were there," she told LADbible TV.

"Obviously this didn't happen so that was in my mind."

Suddenly, she remembers being put into the cargo hold of an airplane, where it was 'so bright and really, really cold.'

Suddenly her memory flashed to a scene with her brother and her fiancé Andy, where they angrily spoke about 'wiping [their] hands of' someone, supposedly Marrianne.

Then things got even weirder.

"I remember just sitting in a chair and then I heard these voices. And I looked down and I could see a light from a door, like a back entrance to a club," she recalled.

"And I have no idea why this person was there, I just can't work it out - but it was Snoop Dogg.

"He had his entourage of people with him and they were looking to kill me.

"But I remember the fear. I was so scared, I tried not to make a sound."

Petrified that she'd be seen or heard by Snoop Dogg and his crew, Marrianne tried to stay quiet, but the chair she was sitting on had started tearing away from the wall behind her, and was about to fall with a crash when she suddenly woke up."

Rooprai Spinal Trust

When she did wake up, it understandably took Marrianne a while to make sense of things, believing at first that her whole family had left her and that she was in some sort of psychiatric ward.

"I didn't quite understand what was going on, and then my mum and dad walked around the corner and I can't tell you how happy I felt when I saw them."

Suddenly going from being hunted down by Snoop Dogg to embracing your mum and dad would probably be a relief to anyone, to be fair.

After recovering from her experience, Marrianne set up the Rooprai Spinal Trust to support others affected by spinal cord injury, but she'll always have a strange sense of what any sort of afterlife might bring.

"A lot of people have asked me, 'did you see the light at the end of the tunnel.' No I didn't. There was no tunnel," she said.

"They say, 'did you see any loved ones?' And I'm like, 'No, just Snoop Dogg, really.'"

Featured Image Credit: / Everynight Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Snoop Dogg, Weird, Health