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Women Share Their Honest Opinions Of Lads Who Walk Around Topless In The Heat

Women Share Their Honest Opinions Of Lads Who Walk Around Topless In The Heat

The sight is likely to be a common one as the UK faces hot temperatures

With temperatures set to reach more than 30°C in the UK next week, women are sharing their thoughts on men who use it as an excuse to walk around topless.

As us Brits spend so many days of the year cowering under umbrellas, fighting strong winds and complaining about grey clouds, it's no surprise that we like to make the most of it when the sun comes out.

I'm talking beer gardens, barbecues and disastrous tan (or burn) lines, but some people take things further than others by insisting on showing off their bare torsos not only in their garden or the local park, but also while wandering through the streets.

Women had mixed responses to the question of men walking around shirtless.

As summer sets in, one Reddit user took to the platform to ask women what they thought about men who make such fashion choices, writing: "Ladies, what are your thoughts on guys who walk around with their shirt off? And I don't mean at the beach or on holiday, I mean guys that walk around the town centre shirtless."

The post received mixed responses, with some claiming that they've seen women go topless in a park in London - though notably not walking around the streets - while others have argued that there shouldn't be different rules for different people.

One person expressed the belief that men walking around shirtless was 'rude and a bit selfish', writing: "It's pushing a level of intimacy on strangers which is inappropriate in a public place where near nudity is not normal. And you can smell their pits. Wearing a basic amount of clothing shows basic respect for others. I would be slightly wary of men who are shirtless because I would expect it to be indicative of a lack of boundaries and self-restraint in other areas too."

Another woman argued that if they have to cover their nipples, men 'should cover theirs', adding: "This includes runners in the park. Nike can start selling little crop tops for men."

This opinion was shared by another user who responded: "Hey, we should be going the other way on this one. They get to go topless (and I’ve nothing against this), so should we. Free the nipple."

When it comes to men being topless in the park, one Reddit user said they had 'no objection', but said it does 'gross [them] out' in 'shops' and other similar settings.

The same went for another Redditor who said they 'hate' seeing men go shirtless, saying: "It’s hot for everyone, keep your dang T-shirt on my dude. Or wear a vest top, sports top or whatever! I just don’t like seeing sweaty torsos in my local Aldi lol."

With the Met office warning 'exceptional heat' is possible for southern and central areas of the UK in the coming days, the controversies of shirtless men probably aren't going to go away any time soon.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: UK News, Weather, Viral, Reddit

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