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A video of Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston getting the shock of their lives during a red carpet interview has gone viral as people have loved their reactions.

Cast your minds back to those grand old days of 2011 and you might remember a movie called Just Go With It, featuring the Happy Gilmore and Friends stars in leading roles.

They're still making movies together, most recently Murder Mystery 2, but the thing about them that's going viral right now is what happened during an interview on the red carpet for Just Go With It.

It all started when they got chatting to journalist Brad Blanks, who started off by asking them a few questions about the movie as you'd probably expect him to do.

They were answering questions from a whole bunch of interviewers, but eventually it was Brad they just couldn't keep away from for one very good reason.

The stars went from 'why are you crouching' to 'oh my god' in just a few seconds.

After a while the stars noticed that Brad was still crouching down quite considerably and wondered just what was up with that.

While they were answering a few other questions, Sandler and Aniston couldn't help but keep looking back at Brad crouching, until the Friends star inevitably had to ask: "Why are you crouching?"

The interviewer explained that he was 'such a big guy' and would be blocking the camera from focusing on the celebrities if he stood up to his full height.

Sandler urged him to stand tall, shouting 'oh stand up' to the journalist, only for the comedian to scream 'OH MY GOD THAT'S AWFUL' when he actually did.

Aniston meanwhile went wide-eyed in surprise and shouted 'that's enormous', while Sandler pointed towards a canopy above their heads and joked that the interviewer should 'put your hat on and get out of here'.

Brad apologised for giving Aniston a scare, while her co-star playfully quipped 'don't ever do that to Aniston' at the interviewer.

People are loving that Adam Sandler's response was to yell 'oh my god that's awful' once he realised how tall the interviewer was.

Unfortunately that was the end of their interaction as the Hollywood stars had to move further down the red carpet.

People have found the resurfaced clip absolutely hilarious, especially Adam Sandler's joke.

Plenty have said they'd love Sandler to shout 'oh my god, that's awful' at them, with one even saying it'd be 'a higher honor than an award from a head of state'.

Others loved how wide Jennifer Aniston's eyes went in surprise when Brad stood up to his full height, while a few said it 'can be pretty shocking' to run into someone who is really just that tall.

Featured Image Credit: NY1/YouTube

Topics: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Celebrity, TV and Film