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Patsy Kensit speaks out about 'erotic experience' in dressing room with David Bowie when she was 16

Patsy Kensit speaks out about 'erotic experience' in dressing room with David Bowie when she was 16

Bowie certainly made an impression on a teen Patsy Kensit, completely in awe of icon

Patsy Kensit has said that David Bowie gave her 'the most erotic experience of my life' while they were working on a movie together.

Settle down, the details are actually not all that salacious, it's just that David Bowie spent several decades of his life basically radiating raw sexual appeal.

While they say you should never meet your heroes, and Fatboy Slim has in the past said he kind of wished he'd not met Bowie, who was 'perfectly civil' but didn't say much to him, Kensit certainly seems to have fond memories of her encounter with the legendary singer.

Patsy Kensit spoke about a moment with David Bowie while they were working on a movie together. (Lia Toby/Getty Images)
Patsy Kensit spoke about a moment with David Bowie while they were working on a movie together. (Lia Toby/Getty Images)

They'd met while filming a movie together and Kensit was 'completely in awe' of Bowie, wondering if they might be able to run away together.

Obviously that didn't happen or you'd have heard of it before now, but another encounter between them while she was waiting to have her make-up applied ended up searing itself into her memory.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Kensit explained that when she was filming the 1986 movie Absolute Beginners, which also starred Bowie, she had 'the most erotic experience of my life' with him.

She said: "Bowie was just gorgeous. Heaven. I was 16 and I think he was 30. He was so lovely to everybody and I was completely in awe.

"I was also deluded, imagining that he'd fall in love with me and we'd run off. And of course I was in a line-up of people where he just shook my hand and then went along the line, and I was crushed.

"But then one day I was sitting in make-up and he popped his head in the door and said hi.

"He came over, picked up a brush and just started brushing my hair. He didn't say anything - he just brushed it, then walked away. It was the most erotic experience of my life."

David Bowie on the set of Absolute Beginners. Phwoar. (Goldcrest Films International/Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images)
David Bowie on the set of Absolute Beginners. Phwoar. (Goldcrest Films International/Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images)

In that same year, Bowie appeared in one of the tightest pairs of pants ever worn on film for the movie Labyrinth, where he played the main baddie in every sense of the word.

There is apparently a sequel to that movie in the works, but it's been a potential project for about 10 years now, so it's possible it will be naught but a fleeting idea.

One of the major hurdles to clear would, of course, be working out how to replace Bowie, who died of cancer in 2016, two days after his 69th birthday and the release of his final album Blackstar.

There really is nobody quite like him.

Featured Image Credit: Orion Pictures/Mike Marsland/WireImage/Getty Images

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