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Gamers think Ray Liotta could return for GTA 6 after spotting 'evidence'

Gamers think Ray Liotta could return for GTA 6 after spotting 'evidence'

The Hollywood legend voiced Tommy Vercetti in Vice City

Fans of the iconic GTA series have been waiting patiently for news of the sixth instalment - and the time has almost come.

In just a few short days, they'll finally get a glimpse at the new world, with the trailer set to land next week.

It's been over a decade since the last game hit the shelves, but many believe GTA 6 could prove to be a real blast from the past.

Rumours have been doing the rounds online recently that it will see us return to Vice City, which you'll remember was the location for the hit 2002 release.

And Rockstar seemed to all but confirm this with its trailer announcement hinting pretty strongly at the fact.

Set in the mid 80s, the game centred on protagonist Tommy Vercetti, voiced by Hollywood legend Ray Liotta, who really brought the role to life.

Ray Liotta voiced Tommy Vercetti in Vice City.
Rockstar Games

Sadly, the Goodfellas star died last year, with most fans losing any hope they had that he could reprise his role in any future games.

Not everyone is so sure, though; some believe that Liotta could still make an appearance.

The 67-year-old and Rockstar reportedly had a falling out following the release of the game, with rumours of a disagreement over pay and on-set tension.

However, a couple of years ago, reports came out that the actor had apparently been seen heading in and out of their offices during the pandemic, with some suggesting they may have finally buried the hatchet.

Could this mean we might get to see Tommy back int he GTA world? There are plenty who think so.

"Maybe it also had something to do with GTA VI since it’s rumoured to take place in Vice City as well," one fan suggested at the time.

Some claimed Liotta may have been working with Rockstar before he died.
Grant Lamos IV/Getty Images for the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival

Another commented: "I wonder if Ray Liotta recorded any lines for GTA VI.

"Not under any assumption Tommy Vercetti will be in it, but would be neat if he was a quest giver or something."

"Tommy will be in the game, he recorded lines for a day," claimed a third very confidently.

While responding to another post on Reddit about Liotta's possible return, someone suggested they could just use old recordings of his voice.

"This, of course, means that Rockstar has access to Ray Liotta's voice recordings as well as long as they kept it," they said. "They could possibly use it in GTA VI."

Now, I'll admit that this all seems pretty unlikely, but I guess we'll have to wait and see whether they're right. I, for one, hope they are.

The trailer for GTA 6 is set to land on 5 December.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar/Vincent Sandoval

Topics: Gaming, GTA, US News

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