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Fans Are Going To Extreme Lengths To Get Tom Six's New Movie Released

Fans Are Going To Extreme Lengths To Get Tom Six's New Movie Released

The Human Centipede director is struggling to find a distributor who will show The Onania Club around the world.

Stewart Perrie

Stewart Perrie

Tom Six is apparently having a tough time getting a distributor to get his new movie released around the world.

It's hardly surprising considering the director is the man who brought us not one, not two but three Human Centipede movies, which were truly messed up.

But while this trilogy used horror and a stomach-churning concept to drive his story, Six's new film is a bit more cerebral.

The Onania Club has been promoted by Six as a 'pitch black satire about the horrible world we live in today'.

It highlights how some people take extraordinary delight in tragedy, with one scene showing people masturbate to the September 11 terror attacks. Yeah - it's pretty messed up, even for Tom Six.

Six Entertainment Company

The word 'onania' is an old word for masturbation, as well as the pull-out method that some attempt during sex, aka ejaculating outside the vagina so as to ensure no kids are created.

It stems from the Bible in the Book of Genesis in a weird story where some bloke named Onan tries the 'onania' trick so he doesn't impregnate his brother's wife. Don't ask us why he was banging his sister-in-law, that's just where the word comes from.

The movie is set in Hollywood and will 'definitely pass the Bechdel test with flying colours', which is a test that asks whether 'a work of fiction features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man'.

According to Six, The Onania Club will be 'one of the most vile, inhumane movie experiences of all time'.

Considering his previous work and the synopsis for his latest creation, it's hardly surprising that, according to Vice, he hasn't yet found a distributor to get the word out.

In a bid to get the film some attention, fans have been putting in a hard graft.

One person has tweeted about The Onania Club every single day for the past seven months, hoping it will go viral, pick up some press and get a distributor.

Another diehard has gone as far as tattooing the logo of the film onto their body, which is a much more grassroots approach.

Tom believes the distributors are censoring his unique style of content.

"Although the value of shock is very powerful, I am not actively trying to shock. It just comes naturally with the subjects of my films," he told Vice.

"Society has become very over-sensitive, and film distributors respond to that. They have such a huge fear of being cancelled or critiqued that they take the road of least resistance."

Featured Image Credit: Six Entertainment