Burnley's best banker has returned as Netflix have released another movie about the life of Dave Fishwick.
A couple of years ago Netflix viewers were charmed by The Bank of Dave, a film based on a true story about a man who set up his own bank and took on the big boys.
Now there's a sequel out which follows Dave's quest to take on the predatory practices of the payday loan industry and it's one of the most popular films on the streaming platform.
Check out the trailer:
He gets up to all sorts in the film and Dave himself sat down with LADbible to tell us that what you see in his new movie is 'probably 80 percent real', so if you're wondering whether Dave is really mates with Def Leppard the answer is yes.
Getting a sequel means he can make the movie more authentic, as Dave said he 'wouldn't sign on the dotted line' until they agreed to film scenes in the Talbot, a Burnley pub Dave really frequented.
The Bank of Dave all started when screenwriter Piers Ashworth, who penned the first draft of the Mission Impossible script, gave Dave a call and told him 'my name is Piers, and I'm ringing you from Hollywood, and I've watched all your documentaries, I've read all your books, and I've seen a lot of things you've done on TV. I'd like to make a movie about your life'.

"And I told him he better get himself to Burnley, the centre of the universe," Dave explained to LADbible.
"So he came to Burnley, and we had a chat, and he said, ‘Who would you like to play you?’ And I said, Well, you know, Tom [Cruise]. You know, me and Tom are very similar looking.
“So he pulled his phone out, and I kid you not, he types in on the phone. He presses T and up comes Tom Cruise's number, and he said, and this is true story, ‘Just before I ring Tom’, he said, ‘You're going to look too much like Tom’. So he said, ‘I think we'll get Rory [Kinnear] instead’.
“Rory come up to me out and he knocked on the door, and I opened the door, and he said, ‘Dave, mate, Dave’. And I thought you'll do for me, he was brilliant, and he's brilliant, and he's a lovely, lovely man."
The rest was history, the first Bank of Dave film released a couple of years ago and was so popular they went back for seconds.

In the second film, The Bank of Dave 2: The Loan Ranger, Dave is on a crusade against payday lenders, if you watch the movie you'll see exactly how he took up this cause and took down the predatory lenders.
"Wonga at the time were charging over 5,000% APR, which is just bonkers. Nobody's ever, ever going to catch that up," he explained.
"I went on to the radio chatting about the Bank of Dave, and we got people ringing in saying, ‘Look, you know, we're in a real mess’.
"One in particular really comes to me heart, where the lady rang in, she were crying, and obviously we showed that in the film. And I decided I needed to go after them."
You'll see this in more detail in the film, as Dave stepped in to help people with much cheaper loans and said they all paid him back proving they were 'good people', they just 'couldn't catch up with the debt' imposed by the payday loan companies, which he found were very unwilling to take the money when he showed up on the premises to pay back people's loans.
"Then I thought, ‘right, I'm going to take the cash and I'm going to go and pay the payday loan companies’," Dave said of his decision to track down their offices.
"So I set off to London and got all these addresses and started banging on doors and ringing bells, and once again, in the film, shows it brilliantly on Netflix, where you're pressing all the buzzers and nobody comes to the door.
“Then you go around the back of this fast food place, and there's a cupboard in the back with a letter box that's full of letters unopened and a PO box."

While you can watch Bank of Dave 2 and see how he took down some of the biggest operators, Dave has been warning that Brits should beware loan sharks, if we're here in a couple of years time talking about Bank of Dave 3 you might already know what the film is about.
He said: "Loan sharks and payday loans now are becoming more and more apparent, and it's the rise and rise of the payday loans again, because back then I got Wonga shut down, I got the rules changed in the law to stop them being able to operate as freely, and to stop them charging such interest rates.
“But what we find in now is the loan sharks are coming back because they're just operating outside regulation. They don't care.
“If you've already took money from a loan shark the first thing you should do is ring the Illegal Money Lending team.
“If you've got a payday loan and you're in trouble, then you can ring Step Change which are another brilliant charity, you can ring Citizen’s Advice which are amazing, I'm a massive fan of them.
“There is a lot of help there, but people think because they've got in debt there's nowhere to go, and there is this huge amount of places to go.”
The Bank of Dave 2: The Loan Ranger is available to watch now on Netflix.
Topics: Netflix, TV and Film, UK News