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The record-breaking solo winner of ITV's The Chase, had to keep his £75k win a secret for a year.

Winner, 20-year-old Eden Nash, shocked viewers when he survived the final chase on his own, bagging a whopping £75,000 - but he couldn't tell a soul until it was shown on the telly.

When it aired, viewers were in for a treat, as they watched the showdown between Nash and Darragh Ennis, in a bid to get more correct answers than him - and he succeeded.

But while Nash did an impressive round on the TV show, it wasn't a recent win.

Walsh was as excited as Nash about his unprecedented victory.

The Chase's jaw-dropping episode, which aired in January of this year, was a repeat of an August 2021 viewing, and was actually filmed way before that date back in 2020 - before the pandemic hit.

The disparate filming and airing dates mean that Nash was forced to keep his win a secret for over a year, until it was shown on TV.

The lad shocked host Bradley Walsh after building up an impressive 18-place lead ahead of Ennis.

Contestants of The Chase aren't able to spill the beans of how their game went until the general public view it - but, after successfully beating Ennis by himself, his opponent and others on set were quick to praise Nash.

Host, Bradley Walsh pulled Nash in for a hug enthusing: "I can't believe it! £75k!"

Bradley exclaimed: "That is the highest ever single win in TV quiz show history - and you're only 20!"

Beaming for the boy, the host continued: "That is brilliant for a 20-year-old, amazing, you scored 18 - you have to be happy with that. Extraordinary. Well played.

"Congratulations," he cheered. "You have outrun the Chaser."

Ennis was a good sport in the face of defeat.

"Let me tell you - this is the best quiz on TV, bar none. Because this just does not happen on any other show. "Come and have a go - if you think you are young, or you are clever, enough!"

His opponent wasn't far behind in congratulating Nash, and was a good sport, saying: "Absolutely brilliantly played."

Ennis took to Twitter on Thursday night, saying: "I see it was me getting beaten by Eden on @ITVChase for £75k. What a great game by him and I hope he squandered the money having lots of fun."

Nash retweeted Ennis' message of support, also thanking the various messages of support sent by fans.

One tweeted: "What a legend! What a bloody legend! Yes, Eden!"

"Well done Eden lad, 20 year old on his own, won £75k on The Chase. Biggest single player win ever on daytime Chase," said another

While a third wants to see Nash on their TV screen on a regular basis: "Eden got a future job in becoming one of the Chasers? He's great!"

Nash said he 'enjoyed' his windfall.

Nash has yet to disclose what he spent the cash on, immediately telling Walsh that he would 'just look at it in my bank account' on the show.

He confessed to Ennis a year later that he 'enjoyed himself' with his winnings.

Nash is the current champion for the biggest ever solo win on the show.

The Chase continues weekdays at 5pm on ITV.

Featured Image Credit: ITV

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