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Debate sparked after bloke’s marriage proposal in Rome goes wrong

Debate sparked after bloke’s marriage proposal in Rome goes wrong

A boyfriend’s public proposal in Rome goes really wrong

Asking the love of your life to marry you can be one of life's greatest moments, unless you're this guy:

Proposing in public will always be a big risk and it clearly isn't for everyone.

Some might prefer a more low-key one, while others want the full 'Instagramabble' experience in a public setting.

In fact, psychologist and sex and relationships adviser Barbara Santini argues that the rising trend can become more of a 'performance' than an intimate moment.

"Public proposals carry the inherent risk of transforming an intensely personal moment into a performance, which can be fraught with unintended consequences, both emotionally and psychologically," she told MailOnline.

'"The rise of 'proposal planners' and the increasing sums spent on making public proposals more extravagant could also signify a shifting focus from the relationship itself to the spectacle surrounding it.

"This can inadvertently commodify a life-altering decision, reducing it to a social media moment rather than a thoughtful, intimate commitment between two people."

This comes after one poor lad appeared to get finessed by his girlfriend in public.

Asking the love of your life to marry you can be one of life's greatest moments, unless you're this guy.

TikToker @herclueless posted a viral video of him proposing to his girl on Rome’s Via Condotti last week.

As the influencer, romantically known as Valerio, gets down on one knee, onlookers immediately cheered and clapped for the special moment.

However, as the camera keeps rolling, things get awkward pretty fast after his Italian-talking girlfriend looks to reject the proposal.

According to the comments, the woman said: "I was not expecting this, I’m not ready… that’s why we came to Rome?"

Valerio tragically captioned the post: "Good @Cartier has a 30day return policy."

The video, uploaded on Christmas Eve, has since racked up a whopping 14.4 million views.

Commenting on the post, one viewer said: "I’d prefer to say yes in public than reject the proposal in private cause I wouldn’t want to embarrass my partner like that."

Proposing in public will always be a big risk and it clearly isn't for everyone.

"I'm always shocked that some people don't know their partners enough to know if a (public) proposal is comfortable for them or not (let alone marriage)," another added.

"An engagement should never be a surprise. A proposal, yes. But an engagement, no," a third wrote.

"If a girl doesn't accept the proposal, the guy should break up. It's not about she is ready or not. It means that they are in different love level," commented a fourth.

"My ex proposed at the top of the London Eye. It was SO crowded and embarrassing. Not the proposal I wanted. I said yes bc of the all the people looking at us, but 7 months later I broke up," someone else revealed.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@herclueless

Topics: Sex and Relationships, TikTok

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