With several contestants on The Traitors going onto the show trying to keep secrets some viewers have cooked up a few outlandish theories as they speculate on what else they might be keeping hidden.
We the viewers were let in on the secret that Lisa was actually an Anglican priest and that Charlotte was putting on a Welsh accent in an attempt to seem more trustworthy.
Other contestants going into the game have decided to come clean about things that might have come up, as Lisa later did a big reveal about her religion while sisters Armani and Maia were upfront about their sibling bond from the very beginning.
Not that it did them much good, Armani was picked to be a Traitor and voted off early on after being a somewhat unsubtle player and the remaining Traitors then murdered Maia immediately afterwards.
Contestants on The Traitors trying to keep close bonds with other players from before the show started under wraps hasn't often gone well, as couple Tom and Alex from the first series as disclosing the fact they were in a relationship several episodes into the game rather blew up in their faces.
Meanwhile, Diane and her son Ross went into the second series and it wasn't long before people started speculating that she had a son in the game.

With plenty of secrets revealed this time around some Traitors viewers have cooked up the theory that Londoner Charlotte and diplomat Alexander are secretly a couple and they've been keeping it under wraps, but the truth about that theory is that it's a bunch of bunkum.
This theory had already been built upon the unstable foundation that they were both from London and a spot of sleuthing has shown the truth that Charlotte can't be in a relationship with Alexander, because according to Hello!, she's already married to a different Alexander who is not on The Traitors.
They tied the knot a couple of years ago so The Traitors fans working on this theory are off the reservation on this one and might want to wonder whether they're overthinking some of these things.
Then again, this is a show that invites the contestants to overthink everything and results in them coming out with outlandish theories (spare a thought for Kas and the supposed 'twinkle in his eye') so perhaps it's not surprising that some of the viewers are doing the same.
Last night's (15 January) episode of the show was plenty interesting for Charlotte and Alexander, as she was offered the chance to join team Traitor once the Faithfuls finally got round to banishing Linda.

Linda's name had come up so often in the show but the conversation kept shifting to other suspicions, but this time she was eventually voted off and left Minah as the final remaining Traitor which risks ending the game with several episodes still left to go.
As such, Minah got to pick one player to recruit and this time them saying no (as Anna did earlier in the series) wouldn't just mean they didn't join the game, they'd be kicked off the show altogether.
With everything to lose from saying no, the expectation is that Charlotte will become a Traitor (we'll have to wait and see), and then they get to murder another Faithful in the same night.
Meanwhile, poor Alexander is feeling the heat after there were suspicions over him for not immediately recounting the events of a banishment card game he played the very instant the other contestants fished him out of a coffin floating on a lake.
It makes sense if you've watched the show.
He also stuck his foot in his mouth during the round table discussion for the heinous crime of attempting to use logic to figure out who might be a Traitor based on what has happened in the game instead of just slinging vibes-based accusations around.
The Traitors continues tonight at 9pm on BBC One.
Topics: The Traitors, BBC, TV